úterý 25. října 2011

Learning by doing

A reasonably reliable overview of the Critical Period Hypothesis you can find (surprisingly) at Wikipedia.

Většina lidí si pamatuje: 10% z toho, co čtou, 20% z toho, co slyší, 30% z toho, co vidí, 50% z toho, co slyší a vidí, 70% z toho, co řeknou, 90% z toho, co dělají.
(Škvorová, J. - Škvor, D.: Proč zlobím? lehká mozková dysfunkce LMD/ADHD, ISBN 80-7254-407-1, str. 200)

citováno například zde nebo zde, ukázka originálu ZDE.

Work in pairs. Design at least three activities focused on vocabulary acquisition in the critical period (primary level). Write a short description of the activities (including the organisation details) into the comments to this blog entry.
First, choose a topic (you may choose from the list below) and write a list of 10 words you will teach.

At school
My room
Our town (age 10-11)
Colours (age 7-8)

5 komentářů:

  1. At school - globe, pencil, ruler, crayons, blackboards, map, textbooks, schoolbag, school desk, pencase.

    1) roleplay- students will act like teachers and ask students - Do yo have a pencil? students will show it and say that they do have a pencil. Tacher can monitor it and see if they understand all words and correct pronunciation.
    2)On blackboard are pictures - students go and write under them what they are. Then they create sentences with using these words.
    3)Teacher dictates words and students are drawing pictures. Some can draw on the back of the blackboard and others can see if their pictures are correct.

    Students can cooperate and participate, they can correct mistakes of those who are "teaching"..
    Paučková, Zemanová

  2. Clothes - t-shirt, shirt, trousers, skirt, sweater, jacket, shoes, gloves, scarf, hat...

    1. presentation and repetition of new vocabulary - memory cards game
    2. students listen to a song about clothes and fill new vocabulary in the handout
    3. students listen, read from the board and repeat tongue twisters

    Dagmar Bednářová
    Michala Rusňáková

  3. Food - (fruits & vegetables) banana, bean, pear, tomato, gooseberry, strawberry, pineapple, pea, cherry, pepper.

    1) domino card game - connection of pictures and words
    2) teacher will say the word loudly and student will write this word on a blackboard - listening and spelling check
    3) roleplay - searching letters game - somewhere in the class would be hidden letters of some words and according some instructions students would have to search them and finally put them together to create particular word

    Procházka, Bittalová

  4. My room - bed, table, chair, lamp, computer, carpet, wardrobe, poster, toy, bookshelf

    1) drawing pupils' room, naming the equipment, learning of correct pronunciation (repeating after teacher)
    2) speaking - orientation in the room (Where is...?), What is the purpose of the items? What can you do with...?(learning verbs and making whole sentences)
    3) game "kufr" - acting, explaining, guessing

    Mráčková, Hulinková

  5. Sports:
    7th grade

    football, ice-hockey, basketball, bowling, volleyball, figure-skating, tennis, gymnastics, athletics, roller-blading

    1)students are supposed to write or name as many sports they recall and say if it is outside/inside, winter/ summer. Then they choose one or two they like and describe it to their fellowstudents.

    2) one student is told to imagine a sport (outside/inside - winter/summer) and the rest of them is trying to guess what sport s/he means by asking yes/no questions (there can be several students

    3) Another variant of guessing sports may be by using pantomime

    4) They can say some specifics about each particular sport, equipment, season, age group, some interesting facts about them

    5) they can play Hangman... A teacher (or possibly a student) chooses one sport and others guess letters contained in the name of the sport

    6) it can be possibly combined with other activities which can be done at home, or at another particular place

    Brožová K., Nečasová L.
