úterý 11. října 2011

Communicative language teaching

Online references:
Definition and background

Task 1
Read the referred articles.

Task 2
Identify the positives and negatives of CLT and enter your ideas into the comment to this blog.

13 komentářů:

  1. positive:
    - knowledge transmitted through communication
    - students are not just "passive" observers but producers - active participants
    - teachers are not dominant authority - they talk less and listen more
    - authenticity of language use makes it more interesting for students (desire to communicate is a very good motivation)
    - students are learning language together with appropriate social language - gestures, facial expression, social context etc.
    - students get more self confidence to use the language

    - difficult for beginners - need of some basic vocabulary and knowledge for communication
    - easier to apply in ESL then EFL context
    - works better with NES teacher than N-NES

    Michala Rusňáková

  2. Positive:
    - good pronunciation
    - all the students are active
    - they learn to speak more naturally and become more confident
    - practical use (in real life)
    - if taught by a native speaker, the students might be familiar with colloquial language

    - the teacher cannot check every student at the same time while the students are split into groups (possibility of grammar mistakes)
    - those student who do not know any of the vocabulary might be discouraged from the beginning

  3. Positive:
    - learning language through real-life situations
    - motivation to learn, meaningful use of language
    - active participation
    - acquiring confidence in speaking
    - teacher is viewed as independent participant
    - nonthreatening atmosphere
    - learners know the cultural background

    - lack of vocabulary acquired in the beginning
    - little guidance about how to handle vocabulary

    Denisa Markaczová

    1) More natural way of learning
    2) Better motivation for students because they see the practical usage of the language (dont get bored so soon)
    3) Students are more active, they do not only accept information passively
    4) Practice speaking more - practice their pronunciation and communicative skills, not only grammar and drilling vocabulary (They are quicker in answering,...)
    5) Improves students´ cooperation and socialization
    6) Raises their self-confidence in communication in a foreign language
    7) Student-centered approach (Teacher is a guide, helps them)
    1) NET doesn´t understand students´ mistakes so well as N-NET
    2) very difficult approach when there are too many students in the class (very typical for CZ)
    3) Impossible for the teacher to correct all their mistakes, especially in group/pair work(s/he cannot be everywhere)
    4) Might cause gaps in writing, reading, grammar (necessary for tests)
    5) Not focused on the content, but the form.
    6) Requires more time
    7) Not always aplicable on problematic students (discipline, learning disorders,...)

    K. Brožová

  5. positive:
    students are not bored
    they are motivated
    they are active
    they are made to communicate in real situations
    they learn by games
    they practice their speaking, pronunciation

    difficult to check their work
    it might be a problem for shy or problematic students
    it cannot be applied in a class of many students

    Dlouhá, Káderová

  6. Paučková, Bednářová

    -children are able to communicate
    -they can experience real communication
    -they are more familiar with the real situations
    -they have to interact and use the verbal communication rather than the written form
    -more entertaining for pupils

    -some pupils might be shy and they don´t want to participate, they struggle to express themselves

  7. Franc
    positive aspects:
    - trying to convey the idea immediately with the positive frustration of lack of vocabulary and uncertainty about sentence patterns and collocations and other linguistic deficits (which are positive if students are frustrated enough that they have the need to something about it, if CLT is supported by grammatical feedback)
    - students apply their skills in real like situations, which is motivating for them
    - students are forced to loose full control of grammar awareness and they are focused on their CLT task

    negative aspects:
    - teacher must be skilled enough and must know when it is appropriate to use CLT in their lesson, if not CLT doesn't affect students with its potential profit
    - poor motivation tools for less active or eager students

  8. Positives:
    - students are forced to speak; increasing the communicative skills (listening and speaking)
    - they are more active
    - motivation for students
    - more familiar with communication in real situatios
    - communication is more fluent; more confident

    - number of students in the class
    - shy students that don´t want to participate
    - correcting mistakes might be a problem
    - lack of knowledge of vocabulary can be demotivating
    L. Procházka

  9. positives:
    - a natural way of learning a language
    - pupils can get used to everyday communicative skills in natural environment (a busy street - some noise during a search task)
    - Students are involved in real active using the language.

    These methods require teachers to have some experience in teaching.
    If the students are not cooperative enough (both at home and during the lesson) a conversation task turns into a chatting in the Czech language.
    A great variety in language skills (some use English very well and their knowledge is appropriate to their age or grade, some cannot even use their mother tongue)

    L. Nečasová

  10. Jitka Mráčková

    -learning practical English
    -becoming more confident in speaking
    -acquisition of fast and correct reactions (responses)
    -exposure to different speakers (learning to listen; comprehension)
    -getting prepared for real life situations
    -information gap (natural behaviour)

    -abstract grammatical approach is missing (older students prefer learning grammatical rules and creating utterances and clauses on their own to learning whole formulas)
    -the authenticity of English environment can be missing in EFL context
    -for those who are not very confident in speaking with other people it means a disadvantage and limitation
    -high demands on teachers (to observe all students talks)

  11. Positives - communicative, active, connected to real situations, can help the students to be come more confident

    Negatives - challenging in the beginning - missing vocabulary, demanding on the skills of the teacher, overcoming the shyness can be a problem for many students


  12. Kálecký, Musilová
    -students become more confident in their speaking
    -learn how to cooperate and participate
    -won´t get bored
    -learn real-situation communication
    -are motivated

    -it is not for beginners
    -cannot be used for uncooperative students
    -difficult for teacher to correct all the mistakes

  13. Postives:
    - improving pronunciation
    - practising grammar in real situations
    - students gain confidence in speaking, communicative competence and they develop habit
    - creativity, there are lot of topics to go through
    - students are not passive, but rather active participants

    - teachers are no longer viewed as authorities and transmitters of knowledge
    - learners miss an image of how learning a language should look like
    - students learning English as an EFL have almost no chances to meet the authentic materials, such as people outside learning course and the environment around
    - beginners will probably have big problems because they lack most of vocabulary and grammar needed for communication

    Olga Hulinková
