pondělí 8. března 2010

Editing a web page: working with html

To be able to modify your own web page, you need a web editor.
To be able to upload html files (e.g. hotpot) online, you need a webhosting which enables html upload.

Unfortunately, most simple and nice servers offer full oversimplified service and very little freedom to the web owner.

As teachers, we need the possibility to publish our home-made exercises in html format online. WEBZDARMA is one of hosting places which enables html upload.

1. Create a new account on webzdarma.cz
2. Create a folder "MYWEB" on your flash.
3. Open NVU.exe. Write a brief text that will appear as introduction on the first page. Save the file into the MYWEB folder.
4. Publish your page - upload it to your space in WEBZDARMA.
5. The page should include some text, at least one image and LINK(S) to hot potatoes exercise(s).

Podrobné instrukce:
1. založit adresar MyWeb na vlastním flashdisku
2. uložit do něj obrázek, který chci dát na web (vše, co chci dát na web)
3. otevřít program NVU
4. vytvořit html stránku (první pojmenovat index.html)
5. vložit obrázek do stránky
6. uložit hotový soubor html
7. otevřít administraci webu
8. uploadovat html soubor a obrázek

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