pondělí 12. dubna 2010

Interactive Board Advanced

For presenting texts, audio etc. we would not need and inteactive board.
What else can it do? Let's explore!
As your Smart installation is in Czech, the following instructions will be in Czech, too.

1. Jak funguje "stínování obrazovky?" Kdy by se mělo používat? Napište odpověď do komentáře k blogu.
2. Jak funguje vyhledávač grafiky? Pracuje s češtinou nebo s angličtinou? Najděte si klobouk či čepici :)
3. Umíte tahat králíky z klobouku? Ukazeme si, jak na to. Po prezentaci si najděte obrázek králíka, příkreslete trochu zelené travičky, SESKUPTE oba objekty, NAKLONUJTE si kraliky, vyberte si klobouk, PŘESUŇTE HO DO POPŘEDÍ (případně králíky do pozadí), klobouk ZAMKNĚTE a králíky do něho schovejte.
4. Zařiďte, aby králík mluvil! :)
5. Co to je průhlednost objektu a jak se dá při výuce využít?
6. Prozkoumejte galerii SMART, zaměřte se na flashové animace a vybertte tu, která vám přijde nejzajímavější. Do komentáře k blogu napište název animace, stručný popis a hodnocení - jak se dá využít ve výuce cizího jazyka.

pondělí 22. března 2010

Interactive Board

ITB works as a multifunctional tool: you can present text, images, audio, video, internet resources...
But you (or the students) can also INTERACT with the board - write answers to questions, drag and drop, draw, or play games.

Our task today is to explore the possibilities of SMART ITB software. The editor works intuitively, and some choices are similar to those available in MS office. To get an idea, we will also evaluate some internet-available examples.

1. Open Mozilla, go to veskole.cz
2. Choose some ITB material for SMART, download and view. Which positive and negative features can you identify?
3. What makes a good ITB material? Think and discuss - work in pairs. Enter you comments into this blog.
4. Open Smart.
5. Start a new file. Insert a text, an image, a weblink, explore the pen function. Feel free to experiment and have fun creating.

Download and install SMART, start working on your own material - he topic shall be identical as your HotPot topic. Be creative!
- Think about the structure. Include at least five different activities.
- Vary the tasks, bu practice the same vocabulary.
- Focus on contextual use of the vocabulary.
- Compulsory items: teacher book with objectives, target group and instructions; listening task; feedback to all tasks; links to T's Book from all pages and back; active URLs.

pondělí 15. března 2010


Vychází publikace o ICT pro školy, reaguje na kritiku inspekce

Výzkumný ústav pedagogický v Praze (VÚP) vydal praktickou metodickou příručku Informační a komunikační technologie ve škole. Tato publikace je určena vedoucím pracovníkům ve školách a ICT metodikům.

Celý článek ZDE

Publikace ke stažení

Creating and Publishing HotPot Exercises

Today you will develop your HotPot project; you should create three exercises, practicing the same set of 10 vocabulary items. The compulsory formats are matching, multiple choice and gap fill (10 questions each); you can add more, of course.

You also need a HotPotIndex html page, which will present information about the target group you want to teach, and about the topic and objectives.

HP exercises can be interonnected using the menu Configure - Buttons.

Possible course of actions:

1. Create HP matching exercise Ex1. Connect it to the index.html and Ex2.html.Be sure you have all the images in the same folder as the exercise. Save, export.
2. Create a HP multiple choice exercise Ex2.Connect it to the index.html and Ex3.html. Carefully fill in the feedback! Save, export.
3. Create a HP gap fill exercise Ex3. Connect it to the index.html and Ex1.html. Save, export.
4. Open your index.html in NVU. Add links to all three HotPot exercises. Save.
5. Upload all files (index.html, Ex1.html, Ex2.html, Ex3.html, all images) to the web.

Do not forget:
No diacritics, no spaces in filenames.
Save everything you want to put online into a single folder. No subfolders.
Regularly save your changes.

pondělí 8. března 2010

Editing a web page: working with html

To be able to modify your own web page, you need a web editor.
To be able to upload html files (e.g. hotpot) online, you need a webhosting which enables html upload.

Unfortunately, most simple and nice servers offer full oversimplified service and very little freedom to the web owner.

As teachers, we need the possibility to publish our home-made exercises in html format online. WEBZDARMA is one of hosting places which enables html upload.

1. Create a new account on webzdarma.cz
2. Create a folder "MYWEB" on your flash.
3. Open NVU.exe. Write a brief text that will appear as introduction on the first page. Save the file into the MYWEB folder.
4. Publish your page - upload it to your space in WEBZDARMA.
5. The page should include some text, at least one image and LINK(S) to hot potatoes exercise(s).

Podrobné instrukce:
1. založit adresar MyWeb na vlastním flashdisku
2. uložit do něj obrázek, který chci dát na web (vše, co chci dát na web)
3. otevřít program NVU
4. vytvořit html stránku (první pojmenovat index.html)
5. vložit obrázek do stránky
6. uložit hotový soubor html
7. otevřít administraci webu
8. uploadovat html soubor a obrázek

pondělí 1. března 2010

Creating a Web Page

Today you should start your brand new personal web site. Your own web space serves as a presentation of your individual achievements, as well as the place to upload and publish your projects.
First, read the tasks, listed below; you can fulfill them in random order.

If in doubt, do not hesitate to ask!

1. Draw the structure of your future web on a sheet of paper. Check the credit requirements on the English Dept. web page to get an idea what the compulsory parts are.

2. Open Notepad (Poznamkovy blok) and write the text you would like to publish in your site. Start with the content of the index page. Keep the Internet Safety Rules in mind – do not publish your personal data (the date of birth, phone number, credit card numbers …)

3. Open the WYSIWYG web editor New View (nvu.exe) and explore the possibilities of the software.

4. Choose a provider for uploading your future site online (for free). Compare the offers, chaose the one that fits your needs best! Before registration, read the conditions and requirements carefully. You will need a space that also enables uploading zip files.

http://www.estranky.cz/ !!free version does not enable file upload!!
http://www.webnode.cz/ new and unexplored - seems very interesting

5. Publish the URL of your new web as a comment to this blog. :)

Ideas and instructions on web page creation: http://www.jakpsatweb.cz/
Musing about your web colours? Read this for inspiration.

Image source

pondělí 22. února 2010

Hot Potatoes Basics

Hot Potatoes are perhaps the oldest living and upgraded, free authoring software for making interactive exercises. It offers five types of tasks: multiple choice, gapfill, matching, crossword and jumbled letters/words/sentences.

When working with HP, you enter information into a “T’s Book” – a file with the extension .j** (.jcl. jmt…)
After finishing the exercise, you EXPORT it into html (“S’s book”). The names of the files should be identical, apart from the extension.

Which of the five above mentioned types is the most simple for students? Why?

Choose a target age group and a topic for your own HotPot project – a vocabulary field, which is taught at basic schools. Write your choice the comment to this blog – each student must have an unique topic.
List ten vocabulary items belonging to the chosen field – these you will present and practice in your HotPot exercises.

Start working on a matching exercise, presenting the meaning of the ten words you have chosen. You can use translation, synonyms, antonyms, explanation or pictures (20K max size, approx. 150*150 pixels, all the same format!)

pondělí 15. února 2010

Baking Potatoes

The oldest system for creating interactive PC-based exercises is called Hot Potatoes.
Find the home page of this project, and find out what HPs offer!


This will be our communication space for the subject dealing with the use of computers and internet in teaching English.

Your first credit project seems to be very easy - but it requires some long-term effort, too.
You will start a blog - anywhere, in Czech or in English - and will keep it alive for one semester. Five entries are required, spread within at least two months.
Do not try to write long texts into your blogs! A short, interesting, well-expressed entry is more valuable.
As soon as you create your new blog, copy the URL into the comment to this entry.

You can find lots of examples of good blogs online.
This one is my favourite - even if it is not actually called a blog :)

Read the blogs of your classmates. Encourage them with your feedback! :)

... And do not forget about the graphics - you can also add photos and illustrations to your blog.