pondělí 9. února 2015

The beginning

Task 1
What does it mean TEOTWAWKI?
Find at least two artificial works which use this acronym in their title.

Task 2
What approaches did you apply when searching the web for answers?

Task 3
List 3 skills which are vital for a good web user.
Enter your suggestions into the comment to this blog. Do not forget to sign your entry!

Internet Survival Guide


active participation, working on classroom tasks
80% attendance

Projects: (submission deadline April 7, 2015 - prolonged max to Apr.9, 12:00 - high noon)
1. A personal website (includes: personal profile, a page on your hobbies/interests including active links to references, HotPot index with basic info (topic, age, level) and links to all HP exercises, a link to Interactive Board material)
2. Hot Potatoes project (matching, multiple choice, gapfill, min. 10 questions each)
3. Interactive Board material (includes: T's book = target group, objectives; topic presentation and explanation, various tasks for practice, audio, video, illustrations, active links, inner links)
4. Classroom-based tasks: Gorilla project; 2 photos (one on the topic school, one free of choice) with audio comments

1. CR, basic Internet skills, web safety
2. Creating a webpage - elemetary; Avatar
3. Working with images
4. HotPot software
5. Working with audio
6. Interactive board - elementary
7. Interactive board - advanced
8. Developing the webpage
9. E-learning principles

40 komentářů:

  1. 1a) The End Of The World As We Know It
    1b) http://survivalcache.com/murphys-laws-of-teotwawki/ and http://survivalcache.com/murphys-laws-of-teotwawki/
    2) I just googled that acronym and when I saw that most of the pages found are about the end of the world and how to survive it I was sure that I hit the bull's eye
    3.1. To know google and know to to use google
    3.2. To know English, because not every useful page is in Czech
    3.2. Do not always rely and trust wiki

    D. Baránková

  2. 1a) The End Of The World As We Know It
    1b) http://www.thesurvivalistblog.net/how-to-survive-teotwawki-in-14-easy/ and the second http://www.shtfplan.com/emergency-preparedness/strategic-relocation-how-to-position-yourself-to-survive-a-major-teotwawki-event_10212014
    2) Just like Dita, I just googled that acronym and it took just a while before I found out what I was looking for.
    3.1 To know how to briefly express what you need to find.
    3.2 To know how to restructure your question, if you are not lucky finding the answer.
    3.3 To know English.

    Lucie Černá

  3. Task 1: acronym for the phrase „The end of the world as we know it”
    Task 2: http://www.survivalistboards.com/articles/?p=2410
    Task 3: it is good to know how to effectively search on the internet (using comas, colons, quotation marks,...), to distinguish reliably sources and to be able to paraphrase when searching isn't successful

  4. 1. The definition of TEOTWAWKI is "The End Of The World As We Know It". It is often used online by members of survivalist groups.

    2. I used google and found the word on a page with internet slang explanations.

    3. It is important to know how to formulate exactly what we are looking for. It is also good to know other language than just Czech so we can search on more pages. We should be patient when not succesfull with our searching.

    Ladislava Procházková

  5. Michaela Udatná

    1. TEOTWAWKI = "The end of the world as we know it" - it is an acronym / abbrevation often used online by members of survivalist groups.



    2. I used google.com where I wrote the word. Then I just clicked on the first link which explained the meaning. After that I quickly looked at some other links if they showed something similar (to check the found definition out).

    3. We should realize what we exactly look for and know how and where we can find it. We should also be able to identify reliable and safe web pages. Another important thing is checking the information we got out because not everything on the Internet has to be true and correct.

  6. 1.
    TEOTWAWKI mean "The End Of The World As We Know It"


    When I searched the meaning of the word I googled „What does teotwawki mean“ and found it on the first link. For sureness I looked at the other two links.

    - Always confirm founded information
    - To know other language (mostly English) because some sides are written only in foreign language
    - When you are looking something you have to write it in shorten way

  7. Pernekrová Lucie

    1.The definition of TEOTWAWKI is an acronym and it means "The End Of The World As We Know It". It is often used online by members of survivalist groups.
    2.I also used google.com as the other. I looked on the first page which appeared and there was explained the meaning. Then I looked on the other two pages if the meaning is correct.
    3.Firstly I also think that very important is to know where and how we can find the data that we are searching for and we should use safe web pages. Secondly to know other languages especially English, because not every web pages are in Czech. And finally we shouldn´t rely only on one web page, we should verify the information on the web.

  8. 1. TEOTWAWKI is an acronym which means "The End Of The World As We Know It". This acronym is typical for survival groups who use it online.
    2. I used google.com for searching the answer, because I think you can find everything there. I only wrote the word and I opened the first page, when I found the definition. I was very surprised by the meaning so I tried to look on other pages if it is really true.
    3. I think that the good user should know the exact name or definition of what he or she is searching for. Than we should use only safe and true webpages and check the information on more than one page.

  9. 1.TEOTWAWKI- The End Of The World As We Know It
    2. I googled the acronym and I found lots of articles about it. So I clicked at some of the links and I found what I needed.
    3. To know English, because we will find more information. We need to know how to express what we want to find. Find reliable sources( with quotation ect.)
    Kateřina Melová

  10. 1. The End Of The World As We Know It
    2. I googled the acronym TEOTWAWKI and found its meaning on the first link. I checked other pages to make sure it was correct.
    3. web user should:
    - know English
    - know how and where to find the information he is looking for
    - compare with different sources to check the information

    Novotná Aneta

  11. 1. The end of the world as we know it
    the first refernce: http://urbansurvivalsite.com/20-skills-you-can-trade-after-teotwawki/ and the second one: http://urbansurvivalsite.com/20-skills-you-can-trade-after-teotwawki/

    2. Just like the others, I used google.

    3. a) Do not click on potentionally dangerous websites
    b) You should not type in the search engine whole sentences
    c) Use google, insted of seznam.

    Miroslav Jirků

    1. 1. The second reference is: http://thesurvivalmom.com/28-inconvenient-truths-about-teotwawki/

      M. Jirků

  12. 1) TEOTWAWKI is an acronym and it means the end of the world as we know it

    2) I also use google.com. I found the meaning and then I checked it on the other webpages.

    3) We should always check the information we found. And also to read the information carfully.The other important thing is to be patient - not to click on every website.

  13. 1) TEOTWAWKI means "The End Of The World As We Know It"

    2) I used google to find the meaning. I checked the links which was shown and chose the one which seemed most useful.

    3) Nowadays while surfing on the internet things get easy if we know English. If we look for any information not always we can get the answer in Czech. We should also compare the sources and we shouldn't visit dangerous sites and download illegally.

    Jana Žikavská

  14. 1) TEOTWAWKI means "The End Of The World As We Know It"

    2) I put the acronym to the google searcher a I used allintitle in advanced search to find it in titles of articles.

    3) - know English
    - learn how to use google efficiently
    - do not be trusting
    - possibilities of your web browser can come in handy

    Dalibor Kucej

  15. Eva Kšírová

    1) TEOTWAWKI - "The end of the world as we know it" - it is the acronym used by survivalists.


    2) I used Google to search for the acronym then I chose few links and read them.

    3) It is good a) to know how to define exactly what we look for
    b) to not share personal information
    c) to know English as others mentioned because then we have more options how to search something

  16. 1.
    It means "the end of the world as we know it"


    I simply googled the acronym and checked several pages.

    to know how to use Google (to use quotation marks, dashes etc.)
    check the information, we should read more websites
    it's useful to know more languages

    Michaela Švecová

  17. 1)
    Acronym TEOTWAWKI is "The End Of The World As We Know It".

    All that I needed to do was to type the acronym to google and then I had to look into few links.

    3) A web user absolutely needs to know English. Be extra careful, maybe even a little paranoic. And he/she needs to know where can he look for verified information and how he/she is supposed to search them (key words)

  18. Task 1
    TEOTWAWKI is the acronym composed of English words "The End Of The World As We Know It" and is used by members of survivalist groups.

    Task 2
    I used google to find out the meaning of this acronym like the others. I checked two or three websites to make me sure.

    Task 3
    Trust no one - be careful and use only proved and safe websites. Don't be lazy to find more sources (first source is not always right)

  19. Strnad Vít
    1) TEOTWAWKI is the acronym for "The end of the world as we know it"

    2) I used google.com to find the meaning of the acronym and then I pasted some of the links which I found.

    3) I would say that one of the most important skills is the knowledge of English because it extends user's possibilities. We also should not dowload anything from sites which we do not know and should avoid mentioning of our personal data.

  20. 1) TEOTWAWKI means: "The end of the world as we know it"
    2) I used google.com and then I checked other pages so I can be sure it was correct
    3) A - To know English
    B - To know how to formulate what you are looking for
    C - Do not rely only on one page – make sure that your information is correct (check the info on other pages)

    Vladimíra Matisová

  21. 1) TEOTWAWKI means "The End Of The World As We Know It"

    2) I used google to find out the definition
    3) We should know how to formulate what we are looking for. Good language skills. It is also important to know which sources to use.

  22. 1) it means "the end of the world as we know it"


    2) I googled the acronym, find the meaning and checked it on a few other pages.

    3) web user should: know English, be patient, use different sources, use safe websites

    Andrea Šramotová

  23. Alena Hájková

    1) This acronym means: The End Of The World As We Know It


    2) I used Google for searching, everything that I needed to know was in first links.

    3) Good web users:
    - can use web browsers
    - are careful when using the Internet
    - are able to help other people with using the Internet

  24. 1.)
    - Meaning of the acronym:
    the end of the world as we know it
    - I found these 2 links:

    2.) Like already mentioned a few times, i also used google to find out the right answer for this task.

    3.) A good web user should use only safe links, thats in my opinion most important. And of course I agree with the opinion that the knowledge of english can be very useful for searching on the internet.

    Carola Ahneová

  25. 1) TEOTWAWKI means "The End Of The World As We Know It" http://www.thesurvivalprepper.com/TEOTWAWKI-scenarios.html http://theprepperproject.com/teotwawki/
    2) I googled the term and checked several pages to make sure it was the correct definition.
    3) Good web users:
    - shouldn't trust anyone and he also shouldn’t share any personal information
    - should know English
    - should know how to use google

  26. A good web user also shouldnt trust the internet 100%, we should check the information we found (at least twice).

    Carola Ahneová

  27. Hlavnička Petr
    1) TEOTWAWKI means "The End Of The World As We Know It"



    2) I used "uncle" Google and "aunt" Wiki and just browsed little more over the pages.

    3)The basic - good and actualised antivirus.
    - shouldn't share any personal data except well-known and secured pages (https)
    - basic knowledge of English

  28. 1, The end of the world as we know it



    2, I searched for "TEOTWAWKI meaning" on Google

    a, know English and internet slang for better communication
    b, don't spend too much time on the internet
    c, never trust anyone on the internet

  29. 1) The end of the world.
    2) Artificial works: The TEOTWAWKI Tuxedo: Formal Survival Attire by Joe Nobody
    TEOTWAWKI: Beacon's Story by David Craig.

    I always use Google as my web browser, I think a great web browser is also very important for searching the informations on the web. At first I googled the acronym itself to find out its meaning.
    Then I searched the acronym on the Amazon webside to find out the two works which use the acronym in their title, because Amazon webside is an online store with one of the largest offer of books.
    3) The great web user should use the key worlds which are short and directly related to what he/she is searching for. He/she should learn how to combine the key words to find out the best answer on the web. He/she should be also cautious which web sites he/she will enter during his/her search, should use for example Avast.

  30. Jan Čermák

    1. TEOTWAWKI means The End Of The World As We Know It.
    Works: http://bitly.com/murphy_laws

    2. I used Google to find out the meaning of TEOTWAWKI and also checked more links to verify the information.

    3. Good web user should have actualised antivirus software and should do control of his/her computer regularly. He/She should be careful when checking websites and he/she shouldn't click on links furiously. And last but not least NEVER TRUST PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET WE DON'T KNOW.

  31. TASK 1:

    TASK 2:
    At first I typed "What does it mean TEOTWAWKI" in Google and then entered the first page that showed me the answer to my question. However that first page was en.wiktionary.org which is under the Wikipedia, and due to its possible incorrectness I searched my question again and found the same answer at the 3rd-4th page from the wiki definition on internetslang.com

    TASK 3:
    - Always control any data by at least 3 different sources
    - Know at least one foreign language (English recommended) because many information could be only in concrete language.
    - Do not leave any public computer with your profiles signed in.

    Jakub Michálek

  32. Zdeňka Tokarová

    Task 1
    TEOTWAWKI is an acronym for the sentence The End Of The World As We Know It.

    Task 2
    I used Google, at first I typed "TEOTWAWKI meaning" to find out what it means, then I typed only "TEOTWAWKI" to find some works which have this word in their titles

    Task 3
    a) If he is Czech, he should use Google, not Seznam :)
    b) He shoudn't be satisfied with only one result of his searching, but he should check more results for verifying the information.
    c) He should google the information in English
    d) He shouldn't upload on the Internet personal information such as phone number, adress and so on.

  33. Tento komentář byl odstraněn autorem.

  34. Bára Malčánková

    Task 1
    TEOTWAWKI is an acronym for the sentence The End Of The World As We Know It

    Task 2
    I also used google.com

    Don't trust people on internet.
    Don't share any personal informations.
    To know English.

  35. Task 1:
    The term TEOTWAWKI means "The end of the world as we know it"
    Task 2:
    I also used google to find the right answer.
    Task 3:
    Visit only safe pages.
    It is also good to know more languages.
    We should not trust people we do not know.

    Kristýna Filousová

  36. Michaela Chodounská

    TASK 1
    TEOTWAWKI is an acronym for "The End Of The World As We Know It".

    TASK 2
    I googled "TEOTWAWKI definititon" to find what does this word mean and than I typed "TEOTWAWKI" to find some works with this word in their titles.

    TASK 3
    You should not share any personal data on the internet such as addres, birth number, ...
    You should have got an updated antivirus software.
    Never trust anyone !

  37. Tereza Budková

    TASK 1

    TEOTWAWKI is an acronym for "The end of the world as we know it"


    TASK 2

    I used Google for searching the meaning of TEOTWAWKI and found it on the first link.

    TASK 3

    never share personal information
    never trust anyone
    use only safe links
    know English

  38. TASK1

    TEOTWAWKI is a definition to "The end of the world as we know it"
    I used google and I found it on "http://www.internetslang.com/TEOTWAWKI-meaning-definition.asp"

    1) http://urbansurvivalsite.com/20-skills-you-can-trade-after-teotwawki/
    2) http://readynutrition.com/resources/twenty-eight-benefits-to-prepping-even-if-teotwawki-doesnt-come_04022015/

    TASK 2
    I used google to find the meaning of TEOTWAWKI and also I typed "TEOTWAWKI works" to find works, which speaks about this acronym.

    TASK 3
    Every user should be careful to post some personal material (photo, data, emotions). Anything can be used against them.
    Also be careful about shopping online (sharing credit card data)
    Do not trust strangers who use online chats, do not meet them in the park at night :)

  39. TASK 1

    TEOTWAWKI is an acronym for "The end of the world as we know it"


    TASK 2

    I used Google for searching the meaning of TEOTWAWKI and found it on the first link.

    TASK 3

    never share personal information
    never trust anyone but yourself
    save and back up
    use only safe links
    know English
