pondělí 12. března 2012

Interactive Board for Beginners

ITB works as a multifunctional tool: you can present text, images, audio, video, internet resources...
But you (or the students) can also INTERACT with the board - write answers to questions, drag and drop, draw, or play games.

Our task today is to explore the possibilities of SMART and Activ ITB software. The editor works intuitively, and some choices are similar to those available in MS office. To get an idea, we will also evaluate some internet-available examples.

1. Open Mozilla, go to a iste sharing interactive board materials:

2. Choose some ITB material for both types of software, download and view. Which positive and negative features can you identify? Enter your ideas into the comments to this blog.
3. What makes a good ITB material? Think and discuss - work in pairs. Enter you comments into this blog.

4. Create your own project! Open Smart or Activ Inspire. Start a new file.
5. Insert a text, an image, a weblink, explore the pen function and the flash animations which are included in the gallery. Browse all menus. Feel free to experiment and have fun creating. :)

16 komentářů:

  1. Tento komentář byl odstraněn autorem.

    1. Positive : itś funny and entertaining;if it´s well done - it can teach a lot
      Negatives : if you make some mistake,children will remeber the mistake easier; there is a possibility that you will focus on one pupil only (the one standing in font of the board)and the rest of the class will disturb you; it could be hard to prepare
      Lenka M.
      Themes : Visiting London

  2. Tento komentář byl odstraněn autorem.

  3. Positive: motivation, fun (pictures, games), competiton for students, the lesson is not boring,...
    Negative: hard to learn something from it, the project must be good (if not = boring for students), no mistakes (students will remember it),...
    Good ITB material: good topic, funny games, do not use just text, simple instructions...

    Bulová Kristýna

  4. Positive and negative features: good graphics, colours, pictures.
    Some exercises were quiet chaotic (too many pictures)
    what makes good material: clear assignment + topic, funny but meaningful exercises

    Bernartová L.

  5. projects: family, food

    positive features:
    using games
    good way of explaining things
    colourful, interesting style

    negative features:
    a lot of games-> loss of concentration
    missing writing
    focusing only on some stuff (that student likes)
    hard to remember the lesson (remembers only fun stuff)

  6. positive features: fun, motivation and no stereotype
    negative features: as Jacob said- loss of concentration and when someone uses it too often, children get tired...
    And what makes it good?
    Not only presentation, but more "games" for children, less of information (no long texts,...) or place for their own opinions...

    My topic: School Subjects

  7. V prezentacích bylo:
    . odkazy na videa, spousta obrázků - pro děti je to tak zajímavější
    . odkazy na webové stránky pro děti, které by se o tématu chtěli dozvědět víc
    . spojování slovíček s odpovídajícím obrázkem a podobné aktivity na procvičení slovní zásoby - to se mi líbilo
    . některé tabule byly celkem nepřehledné/chaotické a nebylo jasné co mám dělat po případě kam přesně klikat
    . některé tabule nebyly příliš interativní... spíš to byla jen prezentace - autor měl více využít možností programu aby tabule byla pro děti atraktivnější, zábavnější

    . interaktivní tabule by měla mít pro děti zajímavá, motivační + zpestření při kterém se něco naučí nebo si procvičí již probranou látku

  8. Positive - design, interactivity (moving items, video, pictures), an apropriate topic and sequence of exercises which should empower the student's motivation and learning activity, fun...
    = this makes a good material

    Negative - not a full use of all possibilities of the programme, it looks like a classic exercise in a book, chaotic exercises, too much fun and no learning potential


  9. Positive: pictures, colours, games -motivation

    Negative: mistakes, missing words, sometimes I didn't know what to do with the excercise

    The materials shoul be easy understandable for everyone. The should serve for practicing.

  10. Graphic illustration makes the explanation easier to understand.
    Various types of activities makes it more enjoyable.

    Good material should contain as much various types of activities as posible.
    Instructions have to be as simple as posible, but still understandable.

  11. Smart - quality : depends mostly on the teacher. If he/she made the exercise well than it is very usefull. Depends on clarity, grammar, arrangement of exercises. positives: good motivation, fast work, pictures, grammar.
    Negatives: may be too hard for common student , exercises are sometimes boring . L. Provaznik

    present simple (smart): hezky zpracováno, vysvětleno, následně přehledná cvičení.

  12. A good ITB material definitely have to teach children in the way that they don't think about the fact they are learning something = it should show something new or revise old stuff in interesting and funny way. so they won't be bored.
    Králová H.

  13. I think that ITB materials should be interesting, clear, useful and funny. It should motivates children and children should learn something new.
    Illéšová K.

  14. Well, it´s nice, it has nice colours and animations, lot of pictures and it is pretty good stuff how to make lessons more interesting.

    Disadvantage is that these interactive presentations sometimes don´t work very well. And to be honest, I still think it is just "hi-tech" paper textbook, maybe children are more motivated, when they can learn by using a computer.

  15. Positives which make good ITB: it must be well-arranged (but similarly structured), interesting, creative,variable.
