pondělí 13. února 2012


What are your expectations? What do you believe will be the content of this subject? What do you wish to learn?

Task 1: Write your ideas into the comment to this blog entry.
Tip: If you have a Google account, log in, it will make your commenting easier.

Task 2: Choose your IWB topic
At first, you should choose the topic for your interactive board materials, and list the keywords you want to teach. Into the comments to this blog entry, please include:
1. Topic
2. target group - age, class
3. the textbook you are using
4. the list of 10-12 keywords.
The material will develop the chosen vocabulary in a 45' lesson.
Do not forget to sign your entry.

Install Smart Notebook and Activ Inspire (full professional versions) into your home computer.

Start a website at webzdarma.cz

Download and install NVU - freeware for web page editing.

31 komentářů:

  1. My expectations are to learn myslef more about hot potatoes project. Project for IWB would be about present continuous tense for 7th grade elementary school

  2. In the best case, I expect an improvement of my technical and computer skills. The content may be the use of PC and different educational programmes in school, or creating some web pages which I would like to learn.


  3. This subject should test and teach us computer abilities, such as: web making, graphic editing, working with sound, working with interactive boards and we will be able to make our own tests for our class in funny way :-) with HP.


  4. I expect that we will learn how to use computers for teaching English, maybe we will create something with the computer (PowerPoint presentation, interactive exercises...)

    Kristýna Bulová

  5. I think we'll learn how to use some interactive materials and where to look for it and also how to use it during our lessons ...and I think that we will work with web pages, internet etc.

    Lucie Bernartová

  6. The content of this course will be learning to use various computer methods in language teaching with help of the Internet, iteractive board etc.

  7. Mládková M.

    Task 1: we will learn how to use computers in our classes - purpose: to create more intersting lessons and force our students to be more creative and active (attract them), I have never used computers in teaching, actually I have never been teaching... so everything will be new for me :-) I hope I will be able to use in future

  8. I hope I will learn how to make a website...maybe. And leran how to work with e-learning system.
    Topic - my family,age 9-10,class - fifth grade, Matrix,Headway
    key words : mother,father,cousin,aunt, uncle, daugther, son,brothers sister...mother-in-law,sister-in-law

  9. We will learn how to make some teaching materials using the computer and how to work with them in class. We will learn where we can find some information about creating these materials and we will also work with the internet.

  10. I don't know what can I expect but ..maybe .. how to make website or how to work with it and how to work with pc.

  11. Methodology and how to use the computer, how to make a website and etc.

    1. I expect that after all lessons we became modern teachers with super PC skills!


  12. I expect that we will learn how to use some software for teaching purposes. Some guys told me that we will create webpages, well, I don´t have any idea how to create webpages, but I find it helpful to learn it.

    1. 1, vocabulary - holiday & travelling
      2, 8-9th year of basic school
      3, Headway - Intermediate
      4, beach, museum, marketplace, travel, sleeping bag, book, accomodation, restaurant, hotel, sea, shop, sights, car, bus, taxi, underground

  13. My IWB topic: Present simple,continuous, perfect for 5-6th grade - Sports


  14. IWB:
    1. Vocabulary - cooking
    2. 7th grade
    3. I don`t know yet (I will add it later)
    4. cooking, recipe, food, fruit, vegetable, boil, bake, meat, meal, pan, pot


  15. IWB:
    topic: travelling
    target group: 7th grade, 13-14
    textbook: Headway
    keywords: travelling, travel agency, passport, visa, bus, train, plane, luggage, hotel, single room

    Králová H.

  16. IWB:
    1. Topic: Free time
    2. target group - 11-12, 6th grade
    3. textbook: Project - Tom Hutchinson
    4. keywords: free time, musical instrument, sport, like, have to, spent, play, do, hate, collect

    Illéšová K.

  17. IWB:
    1. Music - vocabulary + used to, present simple/continuous
    2. 8th grade
    3. I have to find a perfect one
    4. music, hobby, instrument, singing, playing, guitar, cello, piano, notes, violin, genres

    Čechová A.

  18. What I expect of this subject is better understanding of computer programmes in schools that will be very important for our foreseeable future.I would like to improve my technical skill and I hope I will be able to use it easily.

    Havelková Anna

    1. Task 1: School Subjects
      Task 2: 7th grade, 12-13
      Task 3:textbook- I do not know yet, I will write you later
      Task 4: mathematics, geography, history, ... (all subjects from elementary school) + basic words connected with them (geography - maps, countries)- I know it is more words than you ordered, but I will reduce it later.

  19. IWB:
    1. Topic: Living
    2. Target group: 7th grade
    3. Textbook: Headway
    4. Keywords: house, flat, kitchen, bathroom, sofa, dishwasher, fireplace, bookshelves, wardrobe, bed, cooker.

    Horká P.

  20. Task 1: The World of Work - Jobs vocabulary + present simle + questions and negatives
    Task 2: 5th grade, 10-11
    Task 3: textbook - New Headway Elementary
    Task 4: keywords - job, doctor, scientist, barman, student, work, language, journalist, driver, nurse, pilot, shopkeeper ...


  21. 1. Topic - Art, music and literature + past tenses + giving opinions
    2. target group - 8th grade, 14-15
    3. textbook - New Headway Intermediate
    4. keywords - artist, painter, author, composer, reader, book, portrait, play, evaluate, lovely, horrible...


  22. 1. Topic: Everyday routine (+days of the week) + present simple(affirmative, negative)
    2. Target group: 6th grade, 11-12
    3. Textbook: Opportunities Beginner
    4. Keywords: do the shopping, homework, get up, go out, have a breakfast/lunch, meet friends, cinema, café, study, work, play the instrument...

    Marika Mikšovská

  23. 1. Topic: Computers (hardware)
    2. Target group: 9th grade (14-15)
    3. Textbook: New Headway Intermediate or Project
    4. Keywords: Keyboard, mouse, speakers, monitor, printer, modem, hard drive, main board, grafic card, CD/DVD, USB flash disk

  24. 1.Topic: Shopping + quantity
    2. Target group: 8-9th grade
    3.Textbook: New Headway Pre-Intermediate
    4.Keywords: some, any, much, many, a lot, a bottle of, a loaf of, a piece of, packet, can, a clothes shop, a chemist´s, a café,...

    Bulová Kristýna

  25. I expect that we will learn how to use tools of the computer science and how to apply into teacher´s lesson. How to make our lesson easier and funnier.

    In general I expect:
    1. to learn how to create web content
    2. to learn how to use Web-based tools
    3. to learn much additional information that will facilitate my lesson

    IWB in points:

    1. Topic:
    Present Perfect and differences between them and Past Tense

    2. Target group:
    2nd - 3rd year of the High School

    3. Textbooks and resources:
    R. Murphy: English Grammar in Use; M. Vince, P. Sunderland: New Advanced Language Practice; S. Peters, T. Gráf: Cvičebnice anglické gramatiky;

    4. Key words:
    school system in the UK - historical background, style, school life, public exams, modern times: the education debates, education beyond sixteen.

    Vocabulary part will be included and managed by main topic of the key word in the tribe "School system in the UK".

    1. Topic: In the wild (animals)
      Target group: 7th grade, 12-13
      Textbook: CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH for schools I
      Key words: Mammals, reptiles, insects, birds, fish, whale, shark, snake, parrot, lizard, tiger...

      D. Hřebačka

  26. 1)present simple and present continuous
    2) 7th grade
    3) Way to win 7, Angličtina pro 7. ročník ZŠ
    4)present continuous, present simple, ING, question, examples, use, do, does, don't, doesn't

  27. 1) Have you ever? - present perfect, past simple, ever and never, yet and just
    2)7th grade
    3) New Headway, elementary
    4)past participles (cooked, eaten, made), departure, check in, delay, board, horn, delay, trolley

    Bernartová Lucie
