úterý 18. října 2011

Presentation and explanation

In CAPSA* You will find a pdf version of an English book. Focus on lesson 6; what new vocabulary items are presented there? Which ways of presentation could be used?
List your ideas into the comment to this blog entry. Please SIGN your comments!
You may find some inspiration under these links:

Vocabulary presentation techniques
Vocabulary presentation tricks

*Log to capsa is identical to the log to the computers in room 226.

10 komentářů:

  1. Unit 6 presents vocabulary connected with living in the house - rooms, furniture, places in the city, verb phrases, prepositions of place and directions.
    I like how prepositions, verb phrases and directions are presented.
    But I would present rooms with picture and/or sentence explaining it's purpose.
    Places in the city could be nicely shown in some kind of virtual, guided tour.

    Michala Rusňáková

  2. Paučková Magdalena
    Students can learn vocabulary which is useful for housing and looking for the flat in this chapter. They can get acquainted with names of rooms and with the orientation in the city.
    I think very useful presentation of any vocabulary are pictures, in the case of orientation in the city, student can make dialogues an ask "Where is..."

  3. This vocabulary is about living in the house, prepositions of place, directions and orientation in the city.We could take students to the city and present the vocabulary for orientation and direction in the city. For living in the house we can bring some movie or pictures, which they can describe or play a game with them.

    Vlastimil Stránský

  4. In chapter 6 there is presented vocabulary concerning places (in the house, streets, positions etc). These are connected with visual perception and it might be benefitial to present them visually - pictures, schemes, maps and to enforce the learning process, students might draw their own map (street, house...) and try to give directions to a class-mate.

    Roman Kálecký and Marie Musilová

  5. Chapter 6 focuses on orientation in the city, the correct forms of giving and asking directions and usage of prepositions and vocabulary connected to these things.

    These can be presented as pictures, drawings,role played or even performed in the real situation in the city.


  6. Vocabulary presented in that chapter deals with housing, rooms and furniture, and "in the town" issue. Those are closely connected with prepositions, typical verbs and directions.
    Pupils could draw and describe their own house (flat) and bedroom, kitchen, etc. using sentences of doing sth. The same may be applied for "in the town" vocabulary. Giving and asking for directions could be taught practically while walking through the town, or virtual with a map.

    Olga Hulinková

  7. new vocabulary: prepositions of place, rooms in the house, buildings in the town

    good idea of presenting them is matching pictures with their names, describing their own house, flat, furniture, street, town... draw (create streets from scarfs, buildings from boxes, etc.) a map and ask for directions from one point to another... name equipment in the classroom... what is typical for each room in the house

  8. The new vocabulary is aimed at furniture, rooms in a house, prepositions of place, in a town, directions
    The textbook can be used to practise the new vocabulary and grammar - there is a "fill a gap" excercise, pronounciation excercise, some material and tasks for reading and feedback in the form of a revision exercises at the back of the lesson.

    Lenka Nečasová

  9. The vocabulary is focused on furniture, flat or housing, orientation in the the town and prepositions.
    Students can work with the book, they can perform the dialogs (estate agent or the tourist), prepositions could be presented with pictures or by performing, the teacher can provide them more exercise with gaps to fill...


  10. Unit number 6 presents new vocabulary which concentrates on house and its rooms, city and all kinds of buildings, prepositions and directions. Pupils would appreciate if they could create their own map with their imaginery town and they could practise new vocabulary within it.
