A reasonably reliable overview of the Critical Period Hypothesis you can find (surprisingly) at Wikipedia.
Většina lidí si pamatuje: 10% z toho, co čtou, 20% z toho, co slyší, 30% z toho, co vidí, 50% z toho, co slyší a vidí, 70% z toho, co řeknou, 90% z toho, co dělají.
(Škvorová, J. - Škvor, D.: Proč zlobím? lehká mozková dysfunkce LMD/ADHD, ISBN 80-7254-407-1, str. 200)
citováno například zde nebo zde, ukázka originálu ZDE.
Work in pairs. Design at least three activities focused on vocabulary acquisition in the critical period (primary level). Write a short description of the activities (including the organisation details) into the comments to this blog entry.
First, choose a topic (you may choose from the list below) and write a list of 10 words you will teach.
At school
My room
Our town (age 10-11)
Colours (age 7-8)
úterý 25. října 2011
úterý 18. října 2011
Presentation and explanation
In CAPSA* You will find a pdf version of an English book. Focus on lesson 6; what new vocabulary items are presented there? Which ways of presentation could be used?
List your ideas into the comment to this blog entry. Please SIGN your comments!
You may find some inspiration under these links:
Vocabulary presentation techniques
Vocabulary presentation tricks
*Log to capsa is identical to the log to the computers in room 226.
úterý 11. října 2011
Communicative language teaching
Online references:
Definition and background
Task 1
Read the referred articles.
Task 2
Identify the positives and negatives of CLT and enter your ideas into the comment to this blog.
Definition and background
Task 1
Read the referred articles.
Task 2
Identify the positives and negatives of CLT and enter your ideas into the comment to this blog.
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