úterý 15. března 2011

Interactive Board Basics

ITB works as a multifunctional tool: you can present text, images, audio, video, internet resources...
But you (or the students) can also INTERACT with the board - write answers to questions, drag and drop, draw, or play games.

Our task today is to explore the possibilities of SMART and Activ ITB software. The editor works intuitively, and some choices are similar to those available in MS office. To get an idea, we will also evaluate some internet-available examples.

1. Open Mozilla, go to veskole.cz
2. Choose some ITB material for both types of software, download and view. Which positive and negative features can you identify? Enter your ideas into the comments to this blog.
3. What makes a good ITB material? Think and discuss - work in pairs. Enter you comments into this blog.

4. Create your own project! Open Smart or Activ Inspire. Start a new file.
5. Insert a text, an image, a weblink, explore the pen function and the flash animations which are included in the gallery. Browse all menus. Feel free to experiment and have fun creating. :)

Download and install SMART and/or ActivInspire. You will get the registration numbers from me.
Start working on your own material - the topic shall be the same as your HotPot topic. Be creative, explore the possibilities!

- Think about the structure. Include at least five different activities.
- Vary the tasks, bu practice the same vocabulary.
- Focus on contextual use of the vocabulary.
- Compulsory items: teacher book with objectives, target group and instructions; listening task; feedback to all tasks; links to T's Book from all pages and back; active URLs.

1 komentář:

  1. What is he doing, ACTIVInspire
    - různorodost úkolů, nápaditost
    - matching exercise má příliš velké obrázky na drag-and-drop a není jasné, jak má konkrétně matching probíhat

    Articles a, an, the, SMARTboard - nefungovalo

    What makes a good ITB material?
    - materiál musí být „kreativní“, úkoly se musí různit a být nápadité
    - materiál rovněž musí být přehledný, srozumitelný a bez nejasností
    - design musí být příjemný ale nikoliv barevně překombinovaný

    Michaela Polónyová, Pavel Chabr
