pátek 12. února 2021

ICT in ELT - Credit Requirements




active participation, working on weekly tasks
80% attendance

Projects (submission deadline April 11, 2021) - to be published in your personal website

1. Interactive Board material (A SINGLE FILE includes: T's information = target group, objectives; topic presentation and explanation, various tasks for practice, audio, video = link to youtube, illustrations, active links, inner links - ALL ACTIVITIES PRACTISING THE SINGLE CHOSEN TOPIC) - an individual task or pairwork, according to your own choice
2. A WebQuest or a Scenario - to be done in pairs


Task 1
Read the following article: https://www.myenglishpages.com/blog/ict-tools-and-english-language-teaching/
Note down any terms you have never encountered, and tools you have never used. Make a personal plan - choose which of the unknown tools you will try out dusring the semester.
TIP: Always note your plans down - writing supports logical thinking, reasoning, timing, and enables final check.

Task 2
Watch the video HERE.
Who made it? How? For what purpose?
What do you think of the video? Summarise your opinions in the comment to this blog entry.

Task 3
For publishing and sharing anything, you need a space you can edit freely. Let's create a private website!

Create a folder named PCSkills on your pen drive.
Create the index.html file in NVU. Save it into the PCSkills folder.
Write a short introductory text into the file index.html. You will improve it later.

[WYSIWYG editors for Mac]

Experiment with formatting, colours, consider the role of images and graphics...

  • Insert a link to the KAJ Dept. page.
  • Insert a picture you took (avoid copyright problems!).
  • Create an Avatar HERE and add the link into your index.html.

Create a free account at webzdarma.cz. Design a catchy name for your domain.
Upload your index.html and the image to your site in webzdarma.

Bask in glory, admiring your first hand-made web page!

Experiment with formatting, colours, consider the role of images and graphics. Check the links below for ideas:



Internet Survival Guide


1.  Prepare texts you will publish in your website, e.g. personal profile, hobbies etc. (see the Credit Requirements for details). Save the texts in .txt file (poznamkovy blok).

2. Choose a topic and target group for your project - example:
target group - 5th grade (11 years), elementary
topic - domestic animals
textbook - Project English 1



1. Save, save, backup, save...
2. All files in one folder.
3. No spaces, no diacritics in filenames.

First think, then click!

You should be able to:
  • create and format a html file in NVU
  • choose the appropriate structure of the page and suitable graphics
  • insert links and images into your webpage
  • start a website at webzdarma.cz
  • create a speking avatar and add it into your web

23 komentářů:

  1. Daniela Horáková14. února 2021 v 16:31

    Task 2:
    I think it is a video created by some teacher for her students, probably for the first lesson of the semester or something and it should give some basic info about the class. It was created by PowToon. I think it is nicely done, the music is a little bit irritating for me tho...

  2. Who made it?
    It was made by Rania Essa, as we can see at the end of the video, the name of the YouTube channel is Rania English.

    A person who created this video used a tool “PowToon”. We can see the logo in the right corner of the video.

    For what purpose?
    To shortly explain the description of the course "Integrating technology in English Language Teaching" as it’s written below the video.

    What do you think of the video?
    I think it was made very well, in a creative way. We can see the basic information every student needs for understanding the course. There is also a cheerful tune playing in the background, which could excite the students.

  3. The video was made by a teacher named Rania (via her youtube channel name), she made it for her students that she has for the semester. It was made by a tool named PowToon as we can see the logo in the video as well. I think the video was a fun way to start the semester, to understand what is the subject going to be about, but I hated the music and colours, but after all it had pretty much every information a students needs.

    1. Kristýna Fischerová15. února 2021 v 18:50

      I am sorry, the Unknown is me, I forgot to write my name :D

  4. Jana Hodovníková15. února 2021 v 20:31

    The video was created by a teacher named Rania Essa. She tries to give her students basic information about what they will be dealing with in the semester. She also outlines the goals - what students will be able to do after completing the course.It's probably a video that's meant to be entertaining at the start of the semester. It was created by a tool named PowToon. I think this video is very well done, I didn't like the music very much, but I believe it will attract the attention of younger students.

  5. Kateřina Müllerová15. února 2021 v 22:10

    This video was created by English teacher, Rania Essa.
    The teacher used for creation of this video "PowToon".
    She created it for her students, it was probably meant for the first lesson of her subject in the semester. She gave them some basic information about what they will be doing in the lessons and what they will learn.
    In my opinion, this video is really entertaining. But I missed the spoken word there, but it is just my preference.

  6. The video was created by a teacher called Rania Essa. She used a tool called PowToon to create the video. She made to show the students what are they going to be learning during her classes. I liked the animations, but I did not like the music and I think that the video would be better with spoken word. She could combine the animation with the spoken word to create a more capturing video.

    Kristýna Macounová

  7. The video was created by a teacher named Rania Essa (I presume). She used an animation making tool named PowToon as stated at the end of the video and also with its emblem in the down right corner.
    She made the video for her students so they can better understand what her course is all about and to spark some excitement in the learning material.
    Like my classmates before me said, the music is a bit much although it does help a little with the flow of the video. On the other hand I think this is a great idea and approach to a course introduction. It beats reading a boring syllabus that only makes students anxious with its requirements.

    1. Veronika Krišková (I thought I put my name in there. Apparently not.)

  8. The video was made by the owner of the YT channel, Rania Essa. She created it with free (probably :D) online videomaker Powtoon. In the video, the author briefly summarized the matter of the work of students in the semester. The video is nicely done, but it seems to me, maybe intended for younger students.

  9. The video was made by a teacher Rania Essa and she used a tool called PowToon.
    The video was created as an intoduction video to her subject for her students.
    I liked the video, because there were essential information about her classes. What was a little bit irritating, that the avatar was not speaking, but doing only gestures.

    Martina Růžičková

  10. The video was made by Rania Essa. She created the video on PowToon. She wanted to show her students what they will go through in her classes and what they will learn there.
    I think that the video was interesting. It was colorful with great animation so I think that it takes the attention of the students. I would like to have a speech or spoken comment in the video.

    Barbora Bílá

  11. The video was made by a teacher named Rania Essa. It was created with a tool called PowToon. The video was a short introduction of the subject for her students. I liked how she used a different form than a Word document and interesting tools to make an introduction video.

  12. Video made by Mrs. Rania is an introduction video to their lecture and it shows what their students are going to work with in this English class, what are the goals and how as a future teachers can implement IT in their lectures and seminars.
    It was a bit crazy but that´s what students want so big up for that. Another point is the use of colors which automatically grabs your attention and I think that it is so important in the classess, especially with little children.

  13. It was created by Rania Essa - a teacher. She used a tool called PowToon. In my opinion, she tried to demonstrate the main themese of her subject.
    I like the video. I did not miss the words very much. It was colourful and playful - for young learners it could be very attractive. It was also very brief, no useless information. If I was her student, I would look forward to her lessons.
    Ivana Bräuerová

  14. The video is an introduction to course "Integrating technology in English Language Teaching" by Rania Essa. She created it with a PowToon video maker, making it engaging and descriptive. It was a little bit hectic with unnecessary objects and disruptive music. But it shows well how these tools can be used.

  15. The video was made by a teacher in order to introduce herself and her teaching plan and style to her class.
    To be frank, I believe the execution was a little flawed, as although I understand that it was made for children, the visuals were a bit too much and didn't contribute anything factual or helpful, the viewer ends up only overwhelmed by them. Also, the individual texts on the slides seemed too long for especially children to read, I believe they should be more punctual and quick to be read.

  16. Who made it? Rania Essa, a teacher

    How? She made a video in PowToon and uploaded it on you tube

    For what purpose? To get student´s attention, to introduce herself and her course „Integrating ICT in English Teaching Classrooms“

    What do you think of the video?
    I think it is creative and useful, there are requirements and goals of the course and students can watch it any time. However, I still prefer personal introduction.

  17. Who made it and how?
    Rania Assa, Pow Toon app
    Increase knowledge & awareness of technology in the English language
    This video was created by Rania Essa. She is going to teach English through ICT with an app focused on teaching in the classroom through technology. Overall the video was very short, however, I liked the idea of using an app, that is remotely focused on technology and allows the students to learn about its use within their studies.
    Although in the end, the video gave us enough information to extract and apply to what are we expecting.

    Deborah Ruxová

  18. The video was made by Rania Essa. It was created using PowToon. The purpose is to advertise the Course integrating ICT in English teaching classrooms. Honestly, I did not like the video, I think it still says the same thing but in different words and it looks like it is designed for little children even when it is not.

    Kateřina Háková

  19. It was made by a teacher, Rania Essa, who wanted to describe the course "Integrating technology in English Language Teaching" through PowToon app. In my opinion it is a creative and useful video, but the music was a little bit disturbing. Still it serves its purpose well and young learners might appreciate the colours.
    Tereza Hamerníková

  20. The video was created by Rania Essa and published on her YouTube channel Rania English. It was made in order to introduce a course about using ICT in English Language Teaching. In my ipinion the made is well made, I like mainly the visual part of the video. But I must say it seems to me to repeat almost the same information again and again.
    Denisa Beranová

  21. Who made it? How?
    Rania Essa by using Pow Toon app
    For what purpose?
    The video was an introduction of the course "Integrating technology in English Language Teaching"
    What do you think of the video?
    I think it got the point across. It showed what this class is about. For me, there was just a bit too much going on and made it sometimes unnecesarily hard to focus.
