čtvrtek 20. února 2020


A WebQuest is an effective tool for USING English. In the following weeks, you will find out how it works, and we will discuss the design of your first WebQuest.

REMEMBER: A good WebQuest
- uses Internet resources (written in good authentic English)
- requires independent thinking, not mechanic copying from references
- is based on information processing: the students search for facts, evaluate, and come to their your own conclusions

TASK 1 - Order the main characteristics of a webquest according to their importance.
TASK 2 - Suggest a WebQuest topic (incl. defining the target group and final product).

Put both into the comments to this blog entry. 
You can work individually, in pairs or in groups of three.
Do not forget to sign your entries!


Students projects at https://pcskills-ujep.blogspot.com/2019/12/webquest-presentations.html

WebQuest Home Page

Example: Greece or China?
A tool for making and publishing presentations online

WebQuest characteristic:
• information search
• information processing (THINKING, evaluating, comparing, choosing, combining, analysis, synthesis…)
• creativity
• autonomy
• fun

What is necessary:
• clear instructions
• clear description of the final product
• adequate choice of internet sources, with comments

WebQuest from the T’s point of view:
• choosing topic and task
• TIME – web search, detailing the process, clear and logical instructions
• focus on information processing – prevent plagiarism
• focus on authentic English resources

WebQuest from the Ss point of view:
• instructions
• tips + web URLs
• final product
• autonomy + freedom of choice
• creativity

Look at the WebQuest template to learn more about its structure.

WebQuest - Animals
WebQuest - A Trip to Egypt
WebQuest  - A Diary of the Survivor

17 komentářů:

  1. Märc, Bontempo

    1) Most important -> less important:
    Information processing
    Information search

    Target group: 15 - 19 = High school students
    Final product: Listing different views of the era in the communistic state by the parents of the target group and their grandparents.

  2. 1)Information search-information processing-fun-autonomy-creativity
    2)Students will return to the times of communism and compare their everyday student lives now to those during communism. Target group: 14-15 years old.
    Kopecká, Kovaříková, Pokorná

      2)A time machine threw you to 1970's. You are a teacher and you need to prepare lesson from Czech literature.
      Kopecká, Kovaříková, Pokorná

  3. TASK 1:
    • information search (1)
    • information processing (THINKING, evaluating, comparing, choosing, combining, analysis, synthesis…) (3)
    • creativity (2)
    • autonomy (4)
    • fun (5)

    TASK 2: University abroad or in the Czech republic
    target group: 19/20 (last year of high school)
    Final product: comparing advantages and disadvantages studying university abroad or in the Czech republic (paying scolarship, living, insurance, friends and family)

    Fišerová, Krupičková

  4. Burgetová, Nováková

    1) Most important -> less important:
    • information processing
    • creativity
    • fun
    • information search
    • autonomy

    Topic: dating person from the USA, after few years deciding where to live and have a family - Czech vs USA (target group: 14+,
    final product: comparing both states and choose one based on ex: citizenship, work, money, housing...)

  5. Tento komentář byl odstraněn autorem.

  6. Prchal, Zákravský
    - information search
    - information proccesing
    - creativity
    - autonomy
    - fun
    2) Topic:
    Plan the expedition to the Denali mountain.
    Target group - university PE students.
    Final product: complete list of equipment, time schedule of climbing (where to rest etc.) Risk to consider (speed of ascending etc.)

  7. Jan Pokorný, Tomáš Marek24. února 2020 v 12:38

    1 - information processing
    2 - autonomy
    3 - information search
    4 - fun
    5 - creativity

    Senior high school students (/college students) are supposed to find information about life in the 18th century in US/in the UK and to compare it to todays life and evaluate which areas of life were better then and which are better now.

  8. 1) Information processing
    Information search

    2) Topic: Organizing a party for classical music (from the 17th to the 19th century) lovers.
    You have to decide which composers you can invite, focus on art movement and historical context.
    Target group: 15+
    Final product: Orientation in differences of specific artistic - music periods.
    Working with sources.
    Learning more information about classical music (composers, composition, history).

    Ulbrichtová, Sopova

  9. Berlov, Hartlová

    Information search
    Information processing
    Autonomy - real life situations

    2) target group 18+, you and your friends are going to the Amazonian rainforest. Try to prepare your self to survive this "trip" (there are lots of dangerous animals) and find out all their secret and mysteries.

  10. Vaňková, Pavlisová

    1) WebQuest characteristic:
    • information processing (THINKING, evaluating, comparing, choosing, combining, analysis, synthesis…)
    • autonomy
    • creativity
    • fun
    • information search

    2) Topic: "Movie making" - Target group: 17-18 years old, high school
    - final product: be prepared to shoot a movie (have idea, have actors, screenplay, budget, information about the market - what the audience is interested in)
    - roles: director, scriptwriter, producent, econom (team of 4 people)

  11. • fun
    • creativity
    • information search
    • information processing (THINKING, evaluating, comparing, choosing, combining, analysis, synthesis…)
    • autonomy

    Target group - 15-18
    Theme 1. In the footsteps of Jules Verne
    a)How would you survive on the the Mysterious Island (Biologist, Cartographer, The Rock, Doctor(first aid))
    b)Journey to the Center of the Earth (Biologist, Cartographer, The Rock, Doctor(first aid))
    Final product:
    Choosing one of the roles with different task and skills. The goal is to be prepared for surviving on the mysterious place.

    Theme 2. Conspiracy theories
    a) Stonehenge - Group of four (historian, scientist, fan of cospiracy, normal guy)
    b) Bermuda Triangle - Group of three (scientist, fan of cospiracy, normal guy)
    Final product:
    Choosing one of the roles with different task and opinions. The goal is to analyze the facts, conspiracy theories, etc. and form the opinion.

    Tupý, Radoměřská

  12. Machovcová, Kuberová
    TASK 1: information processing, fun, information search, creativity, autonomy
    TASK 2:
    Topic → Make a Dating Website Profile of composer Georg Friedrich Händel.
    Target group → 8/9th grade
    Final product → Profile on Dating Website

  13. 1) Information processing
    Information search
    2) Czech, American and British students are on Erasmus and are staying together during Christmas. They all want to their how they celebrate Christmas. Find out what traditions, Christmas food and Christmas carols will each student present to others. Compare the similarities and differences.
    Target group: High school students
    Final Product: Discovering new cultural values and traditions.

    Brůžová, Pluhařová, Vlčková

  14. 1) info processing, creativity, autonomy, fun, info search

    2) Camping in the Irish woods vs Camping in the Czech woods
    T.G.- 15+
    - Look for the equipment you can buy with the same budget in Ireland and in Czech. What might be dangerous about camping in Czech and in Ireland? Is it legal to camp in Czech and Ireland?
    F.P.- comparing advantages and disadvantages of camping in Czech and in Ireland based on safety, money spent, entertainment and extreme situations solving

  15. Main characteristics:
    1. Interestingness/Fun/Catchiness
    2. Learning new information
    3. Autonomy
    4. Creativity

    WebQuest topic:
    You are the head of a sport of your choice that is not at the Olympics games. Your job is to fight and provide the most information and detail as possible to persuade the Olympic committee to approve your sport for the next Olympic games. Compare it with different already approved Olympic sports. Search for history, origin, fan base, popularity. What will it bring for the Olympics? Try to be as specific as possible. The more spicy stuff you can bring to the table the better.
    Final product: Learning about how the Olympic games work, how sports get approved + learning special information about your chosen sport.
    Hlava J.
