čtvrtek 20. února 2020


A WebQuest is an effective tool for USING English. In the following weeks, you will find out how it works, and we will discuss the design of your first WebQuest.

REMEMBER: A good WebQuest
- uses Internet resources (written in good authentic English)
- requires independent thinking, not mechanic copying from references
- is based on information processing: the students search for facts, evaluate, and come to their your own conclusions

TASK 1 - Order the main characteristics of a webquest according to their importance.
TASK 2 - Suggest a WebQuest topic (incl. defining the target group and final product).

Put both into the comments to this blog entry. 
You can work individually, in pairs or in groups of three.
Do not forget to sign your entries!


Students projects at https://pcskills-ujep.blogspot.com/2019/12/webquest-presentations.html

WebQuest Home Page

Example: Greece or China?
A tool for making and publishing presentations online

WebQuest characteristic:
• information search
• information processing (THINKING, evaluating, comparing, choosing, combining, analysis, synthesis…)
• creativity
• autonomy
• fun

What is necessary:
• clear instructions
• clear description of the final product
• adequate choice of internet sources, with comments

WebQuest from the T’s point of view:
• choosing topic and task
• TIME – web search, detailing the process, clear and logical instructions
• focus on information processing – prevent plagiarism
• focus on authentic English resources

WebQuest from the Ss point of view:
• instructions
• tips + web URLs
• final product
• autonomy + freedom of choice
• creativity

Look at the WebQuest template to learn more about its structure.

WebQuest - Animals
WebQuest - A Trip to Egypt
WebQuest  - A Diary of the Survivor

pátek 14. února 2020

Credit Requirements 2020

active participation, working on classroom tasks
80% attendance

Projects – to be done in pairs (submission deadline April 14, 2020)

TWO of the following (own choice):

1. Interactive Board material 
(a single file including: T's information = target group, objectives; topic presentation and explanation, various tasks for practice, audio, video = link to youtube, illustrations, active links, inner links -- ALL ACTIVITIES PRACTISING THE SINGLE CHOSEN TOPIC)

2. Scenario – free choice of topic + target group

3. WebQuest – age group 15+, free choice of topic


Scenarios are decision-making games, stories or simulations, which can be used both for fun or for professional traning - e.g. for doctors, nurses, military personnel, drivers, social workers...

The branching enables the reader to decide - and to live through the consequences of his decisions immediately.

In the world of fiction, you might have read a series of fighting-fantasy books by Steve Jackson - for example Khare, Cityport of Traps.

Task 1
Play some of the following scenarios. Which of them would you choose for:
A military personel
B the final year of a vocational school
2nd grade of "osmilete gymnazium"

Enter your suggestions into the comments to this blog entry. Include the reasoning!

Examples of scenarios:
Home Alone
Being Elderly and Wise
Driving Home
Medieval Journey

While writing the scenario, syou should always define the following:
1. Target group - age, proficiency
2. Task - what the class should do, identifying the final outcome and product
3. Aims and objectives: what the class will learn in these fields:
factual knowledge
language (vocabulary, reading skills...)
communicative skills
social skills


TWINE engine bor making scenarios to download:
Twine homepage

More at