pondělí 9. dubna 2018

Scenario, WebQuest, Kahoot et al.

Scenarios are decision-making games, stories or simulations, which can be used both for fun or for professional traning - e.g. for doctors, nurses, military personnel, drivers, social workers...

WebQuest focuses on web-searching, evaluating and processing information in order to solve a problem. It develops above all critical thinking and creativity.

Kahoot is simply fun - online-based quiz engine, enabling the participants to use their mobiles, answer the questions and compete.



Examples of scenarios:
Reptile Island
Inside the Pyramid
Driving Home
Post-Apocalyptic Survival


While writing the scenario, define the following:
1. Target group - age, proficiency
2. Task - what the class should do, identifying the final outcome and product
3. Aims and objectives: what the class will learn in these fields:
factual knowledge
language (vocabulary, reading skills...)
communicative skills
social skills

Make a list of keywords to help the class read and understand.

Computers skills and specifics:
create a correct, logical text
write the whole scenario into a single text file first
add illustrations and graphics to support reading with undestanding

For brainstorming, you may want to use this software: http://www.mindmeister.com/

Evaluation criteria:
The applied reading skills
Ethical and informational dimensions

TWINE engine to download: http://www.gimcrackd.com/etc/src/

easy start with twine

More at


A WebQuest is an effective tool for USING English. In the following weeks, you will find out how it works, and we will discuss the design of your first WebQuest.

REMEMBER: A good WebQuest
- uses Internet resources (written in good authentic English)
- requires independent thinking, not mechanic copying from references
- is based on information processing: the students search for facts, evaluate, and come to their your own conclusions

WebQuest Home Page

1. Explore the web to find out what a WebQuest is. What is the difference between a WebQuest and a LanguageQuest?
2. Identify an example of good practice - a WebQuest which you consider to be of a high quality - and enter its URL to the comments of this blog.

Example: Greece or China?
A tool for making and publishing presentations online

WebQuest characteristic:
• information search
• information processing (THINKING, evaluating, comparing, choosing, combining, analysis, synthesis…)
• creativity
• autonomy
• fun

What is necessary:
• clear instructions
• clear description of the final product
• adequate choice of internet sources, with comments

WebQuest from the T’s point of view:
• choosing topic and task
• TIME – web search, detailing the process, clear and logical instructions
• focus on information processing – prevent plagiarism
• focus on authentic English resources

WebQuest from the Ss point of view:
• instructions
• tips + web URLs
• final product
• autonomy + freedom of choice
• creativity

Look at the WebQuest template to learn more about its structure.

WebQuest 1 - Canterbury Tales
WebQuest 2 - Animals
WebQuest 3 - A Trip to Egypt
WebQuest 4 - A Diary of the Survivor



Register, and try out!

1 komentář:

  1. I like Kahoot, tried it out. Well, it's ok.

    I'm wondering, however, about the limits of narrative's linearity. There are 2 things at stake, 1 is that linear narrative is better thought-through and of higher quality hence. But it finishes quickly.

    How to get out of this clinch?
