pondělí 9. dubna 2018

Scenario, WebQuest, Kahoot et al.

Scenarios are decision-making games, stories or simulations, which can be used both for fun or for professional traning - e.g. for doctors, nurses, military personnel, drivers, social workers...

WebQuest focuses on web-searching, evaluating and processing information in order to solve a problem. It develops above all critical thinking and creativity.

Kahoot is simply fun - online-based quiz engine, enabling the participants to use their mobiles, answer the questions and compete.



Examples of scenarios:
Reptile Island
Inside the Pyramid
Driving Home
Post-Apocalyptic Survival


While writing the scenario, define the following:
1. Target group - age, proficiency
2. Task - what the class should do, identifying the final outcome and product
3. Aims and objectives: what the class will learn in these fields:
factual knowledge
language (vocabulary, reading skills...)
communicative skills
social skills

Make a list of keywords to help the class read and understand.

Computers skills and specifics:
create a correct, logical text
write the whole scenario into a single text file first
add illustrations and graphics to support reading with undestanding

For brainstorming, you may want to use this software: http://www.mindmeister.com/

Evaluation criteria:
The applied reading skills
Ethical and informational dimensions

TWINE engine to download: http://www.gimcrackd.com/etc/src/

easy start with twine

More at


A WebQuest is an effective tool for USING English. In the following weeks, you will find out how it works, and we will discuss the design of your first WebQuest.

REMEMBER: A good WebQuest
- uses Internet resources (written in good authentic English)
- requires independent thinking, not mechanic copying from references
- is based on information processing: the students search for facts, evaluate, and come to their your own conclusions

WebQuest Home Page

1. Explore the web to find out what a WebQuest is. What is the difference between a WebQuest and a LanguageQuest?
2. Identify an example of good practice - a WebQuest which you consider to be of a high quality - and enter its URL to the comments of this blog.

Example: Greece or China?
A tool for making and publishing presentations online

WebQuest characteristic:
• information search
• information processing (THINKING, evaluating, comparing, choosing, combining, analysis, synthesis…)
• creativity
• autonomy
• fun

What is necessary:
• clear instructions
• clear description of the final product
• adequate choice of internet sources, with comments

WebQuest from the T’s point of view:
• choosing topic and task
• TIME – web search, detailing the process, clear and logical instructions
• focus on information processing – prevent plagiarism
• focus on authentic English resources

WebQuest from the Ss point of view:
• instructions
• tips + web URLs
• final product
• autonomy + freedom of choice
• creativity

Look at the WebQuest template to learn more about its structure.

WebQuest 1 - Canterbury Tales
WebQuest 2 - Animals
WebQuest 3 - A Trip to Egypt
WebQuest 4 - A Diary of the Survivor



Register, and try out!

pondělí 26. března 2018

Facebook, twitter et al. for teaching languages?

To use or not to use, that's a question...

Just a touch of reality. How would your students feel, if you used, say, such an authentic text for teaching the language?

(This is a full facebook entry of an adult German native speaker.)

da ist wieder was los in der welt, der virtuellen. und der echten. es tun sich an allen ecken und enden dinge. dinge, die, wenn nicht wären, ( so sagt der bayer) es ja so schön ruhig in der welt wäre. wenn nur nicht immer was los wäre. das ist ja wie im hort der erwachsenen. wenn in der bärchengruppe nicht wieder der jens oder der donald oder in der meisengruppe der heinz und der horst., wenn nicht wieder auf der anderen seite der strasse der und die und alle überhaupt nur immer mit dem finger auf den oder die anderen zeigen und nun, wenn nun ja die grosse enttäuschung nicht gekommen wäre, also der marc und sein datenbuch, sein virtuelles poesiealbum, welches in der klasse herumlag und nun einer einfach mal in die klassen rein ist und abgeschrieben hat, wer denn nun den käsekuchen am liebsten mag und wer ein katzenfoto oder ein hundebild hineingeklebt hat. jetzt ist da einer in die klasse rein, in der pause und hat alle poesiealben kopiert. mensch, nur damit er dann beim nachhauseweg und in der pause den leuten die richtigen kaugummis andrehen kann und weiss, wann wo wer mittags ist. und wer wieviel geld wofür ausgibt. hmmm. jetzt weiss keiner wie nun damit umzughen ist. denn natürlich ist es beim menschen wieder sehr einfach. es ist wie das rauchen und das alles, was den menschen immer wieder zur vernunft bringen könnte. man weiss es ja, tut aber nichts dagegen und wenn es dann passiert , wie bei max und moritz, ist der aufschrei groß. auch so kann man alles auf eine grundschulklasse runterbrechen und sich ganz einfach mal sagen, es darf ja keinen überraschen. und wenn man nun von manipulierten dingenskirchen sprechen will, muss man ja auch langsam irgendwen finden, der zumindest eine app gebastelt hat, die ins klassenbuch reingespechtelt hat. wie dem auch sei. und wenn man morgen sich schon das alles mal durch den kopf gehen lassen will, wovon letztendendes abzuraten ist, bevor man nicht seine stabilisierende weltraumnahrung gegessen hat und man in genügend abstand von der welt mit genug draufsicht hinschaut, sollte man den leuten in den funkhäusern und politikhäusern sagen, es gibt eine tolle idee. es heisst nicht "flüchtlingspolitik" sondern "integrationspolitik". dann würden viele menschen vielleicht einen positiveren zugang zu ihrem kaffee haben, der ja nicht gerade da wächst wo die bärchengruppe und die meisengruppe wohnen. also alles immer mit der ruhe und mit bedacht. und nun auf in die welt..

pátek 23. března 2018

Interactive Board Advanced

Ucit se je radost

A  What should the teacher do?

- present text, images, sound, animations, video, links
- give the class a chance to think
- support creativity
- use the time wisely
- motivate the students

B What should we include?
- a functional combination of text, visual support and audio
- variability of all sorts
- empty space
- motivating activities (games)
- feedback

C Technical skills to be mastered:
- inserting text
- inserting images
- inserting audio
- inserting links

- locking
- grouping
- using layers - covering one object with another
- containing
- magical window

Promethean Planet: Examples of IWB tasks
Youtube tutorials
How to use Containers
Multiple Containers
How to make a magic box
Creating Action Objects
Magic revealer window

Lesson Activity Toolkit  - Smart
5 Tips and Trick  - Smart


1. Text to be moved:
Identification: Name = Panda
Contain: Return if not contained = True

2. Image or a space where to put the text/answer:
Can Contain = Specific object
Contain Object = (Select Object) Panda
Contain Rule = Completely contained

Česká verze:
1. Text (objekt), s nímž se bude pohybovat:
Identifikace: Název = Panda
Kontejner: Vrátit, pokud není obsaženo = Pravda

2. Objekt (obrázek), kam se text/odpověď přesouvá:
Může obsahovat = Konkrétní objekt
Obsažený objekt = (Vybrat objekt) Panda
Pravidlo pro obsah = Úplně obsaženo

Promethean - Activ Board User Guide pdf

Magic revealer window (Activ)

1.    Insert two images
2.    Put one of them to the Top layer
3.    Create a rectangle. Settings:
           a.    Margin (ohraničení) – cca 20
           b.    Výplň – Nic
4.    Activate the magic ink. Fill in the rectangle.
5.    Set the order of the resulting two objects (rectangle will be above the magic ink to make the margins smooth)
6.    Group them together.
7. Check the order of the layers: Object (the rectangle),  Pen (the magic ink) nad the upper image are in the upper layer in the mentioned order, the remaining image is in the middle layer.

pondělí 12. března 2018


Audio material is regularly used when teaching speaking and listening in foreign languages. Therefore the teachers and the students should be able to edit and modify audio as well as texts.
Probably the best freeware available for editing sound is called AUDACITY.

Audacity Basics - you should be able to
- install Audacity and the lame library which enables export to mp3
- open a file in Audacity
- edit the file: cut and paste, fade in/out, change speed, delete, add silence
- create a new file
- combine two files (e.g. speech + background music)
- inserting silence (e.g. as a space for an answer)
- changing the speed or pitch (carefully!)

Browse Youtube for videos suitable for the topic you chose for HotPot tasks.
View, listen and choose; consider the target level and age!
Convert the video to mp3 using an online convertor.
Cut out a part of the recording, add an appropriate task and illustration and publish all that in your HotPotaoes index webpage (see the related blog entry for details).

You can use Free YouTube to MP3 Converter to get audio from youtube easily, or find online converters, eg. Convert2mp3.

You have just become a radio reporter!
Work in pairs. Choose an actual event from your real life, and prepare a 2minute talk on it.
Present main facts and your opinions.
Options: either pre-preapre the text, and record, or present the event in the form of live-talk, or an interview between you two.
Edit the recording in Audacity. Add appropriate sounde effects if necessary.
Finalise the file, export it and save as mp3, and add to your personal webpage.

What does the word "podcast" mean? Go to Podomatic, create an account and browse the site. How can we use it in teaching English?

Good examples - Teacher Luke at PodomaticSplendid Speaking for advances learners
Podcast on podcasting in ELT

More online podcasts and streams
Ted Talks on Education - free online lectures!
Oxford University Podcasts

Free text to audio:

Sound files extensions:
wav -  Standard audio file container format used mainly in Windows PCs. Commonly used for storing uncompressed (PCM), CD-quality sound files, which means that they can be large in size—around 10 MB per minute. Wave files can also contain data encoded with a variety of (lossy) codecs to reduce the file size (for example the GSM or MP3 formats). Wav files use a RIFF structure

mp3 - compressed, MPEG Layer III Audio. Is the most common sound file format used today

flac - Free Lossless Audio Codec
ape - Monkey's Audio lossless audio compression format
ogg - A free, open source container format supporting a variety of formats, the most popular of which is the audio format Vorbis; compression similar to MP3

webm - Royalty-free format created for HTML5 video
aiff - Standard audio file format used by Apple. It could be considered the Apple equivalent of wav

ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audio_file_format

Sluchové pole (nebo oblast slyšitelnosti) je rozsah všech zvuků, které dokáže lidské ucho vnímat. Vnímání zvuku je u člověka omezeno slyšitelnými frekvencemi (přibližně 16–20 000 Hz). U každé frekvence je odlišný rozdíl intenzit, jež slyšíme. Lidský sluchový orgán je nejcitlivější v oblasti frekvencí 1–5 kHz.


pondělí 5. března 2018

Interactive Board for Beginners

No matter what IWB software you use, some basics remain identical - both from the points of view of technology and methodology.

Explore Activ Inspire and Smart Notebook, try the basic functions, get the feeling of both softwares.
Follow the list of compulstory items below and practice these basic skills both in Activ and Smart.

Browse some shared interactive board materials, to get an idea :)


1. Check the specifications of Smart Board (*.notebook files) and Active Inspire (*.flipchart files).
Look here:
AV Media
Promethean Planet
2. Install both softwares into your PC. Follow the instructions given in the lesson.
3. Continue working on your project.

What can we use the Interactive Board Material for?

1. To identify the purpose of the material:
Intro – topic, aim, target group
Source – textbook

2. To identify the resources:
References – texts, audio, images resources (last page)
create your own images!

3. To suggest how to use the material:
– create a Teacher’s book (could be in side notes, or in the last page, or hidden within each page)
– instructions to tasks (focus on organization, variability)

4. To enable easy navigation: Insert links
In Activ Inspire - use commands "Another page" and "Open a website"
In Smart - right click at the object, use "Odkaz"

5. To use visual and auditory input: insert images, audio and video
In Active Inspire: go to Resource Browser (the symbol of 2 music notes)
In Smart: go to Gallery (the symbol of a picture)
In both: download an image, and drag it to the chosen page

6. To integrate games and animations into a lesson:
Explore the resourcepacks
Modify Flash animations (Smart)

Interactive Board Project compulsory items:
- teacher book with target group, objectives and instructions on the use of your material
- enough functional and effective visual support (images, graphics, illustrations)
- a listening task (+ audio with tapescript)
- a reading task
- a speaking task
feedback to all tasks
- links to T's Book from all pages (and links back!)
- active URLs (with tasks)
- a link to a youtube video - focused on the topic, with tasks!
- enough space for the students'work
- a page with all references

You can find examples and instructional files online, and also at http://prekladani.capsa.cz

Project Tips:

1. Explore the imbedded galleries. Look also for animations!

2. Create activities to practise the set of vocabulary you chose for your project. For each task, include the feedback; a good tip is to duplicate the page, and solve the exercise there.

3. Use the last pages as T's book - write there the standard info (topic, target group) and methodological instructions for the Teacher. Link the T's book to the first page and vice versa.

4. Do you know how to get the IWB material online?
Tip: if the file is too big to be put into webzdarma directly, save it into some permanent online space (e.g. dropbox) and enter the link into your web.

pondělí 19. února 2018

HotPot is not a dish

HOMEWORK: Bring a camera for the next lesson!

Hot Potatoes is probably one of the oldest freewares focused on teaching. See http://hotpot.uvic.ca/!

At the hot pot page go to tutorial. Choose Standard Tutorial for Windows, Start and go to The Potatoes, one by one - JMatch (matching exercises).
Open the HotPot program in your PC, go to the green potatoe - matching exercises.
Explore the possibilities of setting, start creating the exercise, call for help if necessary.



HP HotLine:

1. Keep all files in the same folder. Do not change the names after you link them.
2. HP create two types of files:
*.j?? (jcl, jmt...) "Teacher's book" can be edited; save it carefully!
*.html  - "Students'book",  the exported file interactive, but cannot be edited
3. Save, export, check.


HotPot Index or Teacher's book:
a place/page which basic information:
1. Target group (proficiency, age)
2. Topic (preferably a list of new vocabulary items you are teaching)

You can create a whole  HotPot site, combining and connecting various task formats. This is the suggested order of exercises (Can you guess why?):

1. Matching
- 10 items (target vocabulary)
- if using pictures, set the same height for all of them  (e.g. 100 pixels)
- find out how to set the timer, shuffle questions, show a limited number of questions

2. Multiple choice
- 10 questions
- 4 distractors (no mistakes!)
- use sentences, not isolated words
- feedback - additional information, input

Good feedback: motivating, positive, informative

3. Gap fill
- 10 gaps
- context (e.g. a story)
- choose the gaps wisely  :)

+ Create feedback which is interesting and informative; do not hesistate to include facts from our real life.
+ Do not skip determiners, e.g. articles:)
+ do not hesitate to include images, links, or audio!

HP exercises can be interonnected using the menu Configure - Buttons.
Suggested course of actions:

1. Create HP matching exercise Ex1. Connect it to the index.html. Make sure you have all the files, including images, in the same folder as the exercise. Save, export.
2. Create a HP multiple choice exercise Ex2.Connect it to the index.html. Carefully fill in the feedback! Save, export.
3. Create a HP gap fill exercise Ex3. Connect it to the index.html and Ex1.html. Save, export.
4. Connect Ex1 to Ex2, and Ex2 to Ex3. Save, export.
5. Open your index.html in NVU. Add links to all three HotPot exercises. Save.
6. Upload all files (index.html, Ex1.html, Ex2.html, Ex3.html, all images) to the web.

Do not forget:
+ No diacritics, no spaces in filenames.
+ Save everything you want to put online into a single folder. No subfolders.
+ Regularly save your changes.


1. Do I have to use an authentic text in jcloze (gapfill) exercise?
Try to find an authentic text which will focus on the topic; some of the target vocabulary items should be included, but not necessarily all of them.
Such a text activates the passive vocabulary of the student, helps them understand the new words in context, and is much more informative than isolated sentences.

Tip: explore primary level sites for native speakers, e.g.
BBC for kids
British Council
Encyclopedia for kids

2. How do I make a good feedback in multiple choice?
Just follow these simple tips:
- DO NOT use capitals, exclamation marks, "NO!" "Unfortunately..." etc.
- be positive :) - do not start the feedback with "Sorry, no..."
- add extra information, eg.
Where do lions live? Chosen answer: "India"
Feedback: "Tigers live in India, but lions live in Africa."

3. How should I set the colour scheme?
- Remember that the text should be easy to read - the font and the background should be constrasting.
- The backgroud itself should not bee too bright, not to tire the eyes.
- study the Color Wheel site

4. What is the HotPot index?
It is a html file which includes links to all three hotpot exercises, and the basic info:
- the author
- the aim of the exercises, e.g. "Teaching the names of family members"

- the target group description, e.g. "Third grade, basic school, elementary level"

čtvrtek 15. února 2018

Your brand new website

Choose a topic and a target level for your HotPot and Interactive board exercises.
Register this information in the comment to this blog entry.

Your Name
Topic (in detail)
Level + age

Winter clothes
6th grade - elementary



1. Save, save, backup, save...
2. All files in one folder.
3. No spaces, no diacritics in filenames.

First think, then click!

You should be able to:
  • create and format a html file in NVU
  • choose the appropriate structure of the page and suitable graphics
  • insert links and images into your webpage
  • start a website at webzdarma.cz
Create an Avatar HERE and add the link into your index.html.

Create a folder named PCSkills on your pen drive.
Create the index.html file in NVU. Save it into the PCSkills folder.
Insert your pre-prepared texts into the file index.html.

WYSIWYG editors for Mac

Experiment with formatting, colours, consider the role of images and graphics...

Insert a link to the KAJ Dept. page.
Insert a picture you took (avoid copyright problems!).
Add the speking Avatar link.

Upload your index.html and the image to your site in webzdarma.

Bask in glory, admiring your first hand-made web page!

Experiment with formatting, colours, consider the role of images and graphics. Check the links below for ideas:


pátek 9. února 2018

ICT in ELT .... ??? !!!!!!

1.  Prepare texts you will publish in your website, e.g. personal profile, hobbies etc. (see the Credit Requirements for details). Save the texts in .txt file (poznamkovy blok).

2. Think of a catchy name for your new website - e.g. karbanatek.zaridito.cz

3. Choose a topic and target group for your project - example:
target group - 5th grade (11 years), elementary
topic - domestic animals
textbook - Project English 1

- a pen drive
- headphones

The key question: How can you use ICT in teaching English? 

Task 1
USE PEN AND PAPER to list your suggestions. Time: max 10'
Task 2
Make groups of four. Compare your notes, create a concise finalised list, ordered according to the importance of various activities. Enter your suggestions into the comments to this blog, and sign by all group-members-names. Time: max 15'
Task 3
Read the comments as they appear, and compare your suggestions with the ideas of other groups. Did you miss anything completely?

Internet Survival Guide


active participation, working on classroom tasks
80% attendance

Projects: (submission deadline April 3, 2018)
1. A personal website (includes: personal profile, a page on your hobbies/interests including active links to references, HotPot index with basic info (topic, age, level) and links to all HP exercises, a link to Interactive Board material)
2. Hot Potatoes project (matching, multiple choice, gapfill, min. 10 questions each)
3. Interactive Board material (A SINGLE FILE includes: T's information = target group, objectives; topic presentation and explanation, various tasks for practice, audio, video = link to youtube, illustrations, active links, inner links -- ALL ACTIVITIES PRACTISING THE SINGLE CHOSEN TOPIC)
4. Class-based projects - to be included into your website: your hoax image, two audios (audio for your HotPot topic; a radio report)


ICT in ELT - basics, discussion, web safety
Creating a webpage - elementary; Avatar
Interactive board - elementary
Working with audio - podcast
Skrivanek presentation
Interactive board - advanced
Working with images; creating a hoax
Easter - submitting the projects!
Credit week, feedback; Scenarios