úterý 17. března 2015

Interactive board - Intro

ITB works as a multifunctional tool: you can present text, images, audio, video, internet resources...
But you (or the students) can also INTERACT with the board - write answers to questions, drag and drop, draw, or play games.

Our task is to explore the possibilities of SMART and Activ IWB software. The editor works intuitively, and some choices are similar to those available in MS office. To get an idea, we will also evaluate some internet-available examples.

LESSON ONE (March  17, 2015)
1. check the the specifications of Smart Board (*.notebook files) and Active Inspire (*.flipchart files).
Look here:
AV Media
Promethean Planet

Install both softwares into your PC.

1. Browse some shared interactive board materials, to get an idea :)

LESSON TWO (March  25, 2015)
1. Create your own project! Open Smart or Activ Inspire. Start a new file.

2. Insert a text, an image, a weblink, explore the pen function.
    Browse all menus. Feel free to experiment and have fun creating. :)

3. Explore the imbedded galleries.

4. Create an activity to practise the set of vocabulary you chose for your project.

5. Do you know how to get the IWB material online?

1. Check some shared interactive board materials:

2. Choose some ITB material for both types of software, download and view. Which positive and negative features can you identify? Enter your ideas into the comments to this blog.

3. What makes a good ITB material? Think and discuss - work in pairs. Enter you comments into this blog.

14 komentářů:

  1. What makes a good ITB material? - informative content, well arranged, it should correspond with level of students everything should be clearly defined.

    Positive and negative features: Smart provides more creative tools to use. However, ActivInspire seems to be better arranged, thus is more easier to use, the visual side looks fine.

    Černá, Novotná

  2. ITB types of software:
    Smart - this software is easier to manipulate, it's more conveniet for novices, although it doesn't have so many tools as Activ Inspire has.
    Activ Inspire - this software is richer for tools and it seems that this software is widely used, more than Smart. On the other hand, Activ could be quite confusing and a novice may find this software too difficult.

    Good ITB Material:
    ITB material should be clear, students should unerstand what they are supposed to do with it at first sight. ITB material shouldn't be too difficult nor too easy for students.


  3. ITB softwares
    Activ Ispire-I think that this software is better. It has more tools, It is better designed. But it´s probably for advanced users
    Smart- It doesn´t have so many tools. But it is easier to use and so it could be better for younger students

    Good ITB Material: Informative, clear, interesting, the same level as students have.


  4. ITB softwares:
    I prefer Smart, because it's easier to work with it.
    It seems well-aranged to me.

    In my opinion good ITB material should be colorful, useful and creative.


  5. ITB softwares:
    Personally, I like ActivInspire more. It seems more modern and user interface is better, I also think it is more teacher-proof. ActivInspire materials which I have seen were better too, although there were not many of them. Positive of Smart is that there are a lot of already made materials.

    Good ITB material:
    I think that good ITB material should be educational, but it also should be fun to diversify the lesson.

    Miroslav Jirků

  6. Michaela Kubištová

    Active Inspire
    -better, modern design
    -you have to search longer when you want something
    -it is program for advanced users

    Active Smart
    -has more photo pattern
    -it hasn´t so many icons/tools as Active Inspire, so you can find everything easier

    Good ITB materials
    -well- organized
    -variety of tools
    -available on the internet

    1. Oprava: Hájková Alena+ Kubištová Michaela

  7. I prefer Active Inspire, for me it is eassier to work with this type of interactive board and it has better design than Smart and it has a lot of useful tools.
    Good ITB material should be interesting, useful, not so difficult for students and clear.

  8. We think that ITB materials should be interesting, clear, useful and funny. It should motivate children because they could learn something new.
    Interactive board has various colours and animations, lot of pictures and it is pretty good stuff how to make lessons more interesting for the children.
    We prefer more ActiveInspire because it is well arranged and the orientation is better than Smart for us. Even thought Smart includes better pictures and materials and creative tools, but orientation is more difficult. ActiveInspire is more teacher-proof.

    Pernekrová Lucie, Udatná Michaela

  9. Smart Board has better picture selection and it is more simpler, it is good for beginners. Active Inspire provides more possibilities and it is for more creative people.

    Good material should have all types of materials (text, audio, video, links, pictures). It should be well arranged and interesting for students. There should be a quideline for teachers how to work with the materials.

    Laďka Procházková, Tereza Lovásová

  10. Active Inspire
    - there are more options
    - is better aranged

    - it is easier to work with it
    - it has more pictures in gallery

    Good material for ITB
    - it should be educative
    - every operation should work properly
    - it should be interesting for studenst (funny)
    - it should include links to web pages to broaden students knowledge

    Vöröšová Veronika, Strnad Vít

  11. Smart - has better pictures and material, but I prefer ActiveInspire. For me it is easier work with it, has modern design and I can orientate here better. Good ITB materials should be interesting, clear, funny for student and learn something new.
    Denisa Pekárová

  12. Active inspire is better for me, because it´s seems to me easier than smart, it is better arranged and it has better pictures. Good ITB shoud learn students somthing new by funny form. It should be interesting and not so difficult.

  13. Good ITB material should be useful, interesting and clear to everyone.
    I prefer Activinspire, because for me it´s easier to work with, it´s clear to me and there is a lot of useful tools to work.

    Tereza Budková
