pondělí 3. března 2014

Interactive Board for Beginners

ITB works as a multifunctional tool: you can present text, images, audio, video, internet resources...
But you (or the students) can also INTERACT with the board - write answers to questions, drag and drop, draw, or play games.

Our task today is to explore the possibilities of SMART and Activ IWB software. The editor works intuitively, and some choices are similar to those available in MS office. To get an idea, we will also evaluate some internet-available examples.

1. Create your own project! Open Smart or Activ Inspire. Start a new file.

2. Insert a text, an image, a weblink, explore the pen function.
    Browse all menus. Feel free to experiment and have fun creating. :)

3. Explore the imbedded galleries.

4. Create an activity to practise the set of vocabulary you chose for your project.

5. Do you know how to get the IWB material online?

1. Check some shared interactive board materials:

2. Choose some ITB material for both types of software, download and view. Which positive and negative features can you identify? Enter your ideas into the comments to this blog.

3. What makes a good ITB material? Think and discuss - work in pairs. Enter you comments into this blog.

4. Create your own project! Open Smart or Activ Inspire. Start a new file.

5. Insert a text, an image, a weblink, explore the pen function and the flash animations which are included in the gallery. Browse all menus. Feel free to experiment and have fun creating. :)

7 komentářů:

  1. Positive x negative features:

    Surprisingly, I have found more negative features than the positive ones. In one material there were mistakes, for example in the word order. Next negative thing is writing the instructions for the whole presentation in the first slide only. When you get to the third slide you have no idea what to do.. The instructions should be written in English, not in Czech.
    Positive feature is combination of vocabulary and grammar. I have found a nice presentation which intoduced the vocabulary by matching words and pictures and continued with finishing single words and making short sentences by the application of the new vocabulary. All of that was closed by the crossword. I have found it playful and educational at the same time.

    What makes a good ITB material?

    When there are no mistakes, the presentation is not too short or long. Everyone should understand what to do on each slide. The presentation should include pictures or other media to make it more fun. There should be trained more skills, not just one (for example combination of vocabulary and grammar).

  2. Barbora Střelcová, Simona Sieberová

    What makes a good ITB material?

    It should be informative, well arranged, corresponding with level of students.
    The questions and answers should be clearly defined.
    The presentation doesn't have to be fussy. It's better not to have everything mixed together.

    Positive and negative features:

    Smart gives us more creative tools to use, e.g. different shapes, pens. Lesson activity examples can be great for beginners. On the other hand ActivInspire seems to be better arranged, the visual side looks pretty good and more simple.

  3. Anna Géringová

    Positive x negative: I found more materials that fitted my taste in Smart, which shows all the tools we need right at the first sight, the screen is more organized, everything you need to make a good material is placed right before you, no complicated searching. The material which I saw and which corresponded with my topic were well made, some of them were more interactive, some even had mistakes in them or none working buttons. ActiveInspire is maybe simple, and better to use in actual lesson with pupils, but personally i don't really like it, if I have to create the material I would appreciate an organized board.

    What makes a good ITB material?
    Of course the material should be somehow encouraging and motivating for the pupils, the material should include at least some interactive exercises in which the kids could go to the board and manipulate with the pen, not just sit and watch the screen. There shouldn't be any mistakes, the content should be coherent. It should offer a factual information and also something entertaining so the kids won't get bored.

  4. Tento komentář byl odstraněn autorem.

    1. Positive x negative: I think that Smart has better user interference than ActiveInspire and it's easier to learn working with it at least for me. Even though Smart takes about thirty years to actually load - but that might be just my computer - I still find it more suitable for me and more idiot-proof.

      What makes a good ITB material?
      Like mentioned above the material should be entertaining, motivating and mainly it should include the whole class in the work not just one person. It also should be clear, simple and not overly complicated.

  5. It seems difficult to create an exercise where more students can work at once, but ITB definitely goes along the Comenius' doctrine of learning through interactive play.

    IMHO a good ITB material should definitely be thorogh. It needs to be a topic which would entertain the pupils but at the same time make them learn new things, while still keeping the necessairy level of x+1.

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