úterý 15. listopadu 2011


What is motivation?

Lots of information you will, surprisingly, find in Wikipedia :)

Some simple, general, practical tips you can find HERE.

1. What is your motivation for studying this faculty?
2. What is your motivation for being in this lesson and doing this task?

Present your answers in the comments to this blog entry.

A compilation of ideas about motivation is available HERE.

You can learn the basics about Affective Domain HERE (Wikiversity, including tasks)

14 komentářů:

  1. My motivation for studying this faculty is the degree=the chance to get the good job and have money for nice flat and food..
    The motivaion for being in this lesson and doing this task is to get credit and have the chance to have thee degree mentioned above.

  2. My motivation for studying this faculty is degree.
    The motivaion for being in this lesson and doing this task is to get credit.

    Vlastimil Stránský

  3. My motivation is mainly my interest in English and especially English written literature and laziness to study it by myself home.
    At first because I have to get credit for this subject but now I am having fun here.

    Michala Rusňáková

  4. My motivation is wider education and knowledge, plus I like everything that is connected with English.
    I suppose that this lesson should help me to prepare for my career as a teacher and prepare me for the problems I may face during my lecture.

  5. My motivation is to become a better and fully qualified teacher. The motivation to be present in this lesson is to get more practical tips, tricks and advice.D.Bednarova

  6. My motivation to study is to get a degree which is necessary for finding a good job and having satisfactory salary.

    Making this task is needed for getting a credit and being able to finish this bachelor program.

    Jitka Mráčková

  7. My motivation for studying this faculty is to get the degree, deepen the knowledge of English, know more people.

    To cover the second question - I am here to learn some tips and tricks while teaching, avoid mistakes (as I learn from mistakes) and of course get the credit :-)

  8. My motivation is to get the degree to be allowed to teach English, but mainly to get the knowledge to be able to teach English properly.
    It is similar with this lesson, I need the credit of course, but I can see that the lesson gives me the knowledge, the hints and points how to teach.


  9. My motivation for studying this faculty is to learn English language and to get the degree for getting better job.
    My motivation for being in this lesson is to get credit and learn basic didactics for teaching.

  10. My motivation for studying this faculty is to be smarter :-) and of course to have a degree.
    The motivation for being in this lesson is to learn about methodology and to have a chance to show our pupil's emotions again while presentations, which we enjoy so much.


  11. add 1) the main motivation is to gain deeper knowledge of English, then to have the title, and fulfil my personal objectives
    add 2) first of all, it is credits that motivate me, then have some fun and learn sth more practical about teaching

    Olga Hulinková

  12. I don't have much motivation lately. I guess my only motivation now is to finally finish this succesfully, not to waste all the time and money invested in the study for last three years.
    Main motivation to be here in this class is to get the credit, but to be honest this class is one of those more entertaining and quite interesting.

  13. My motivation for studying this faculy -
    1)I love English language and have always wanted to study it.
    2)A need to complete my education in order to keep my job as a teacher of English language.

    My motivation for being in this lesson - It is always my greatest pleasure to see someone else's lesson (I mean the presentations).Despite the fact it is a little bit malicious.

    Lenka Nečasová

  14. I am motivated by many factors, such as to get the Bc. or MA degree, which can help me for developing my future carrier as a teacher, a guide, a translator or any high profile jobs in tourist industry. Among other factors I would name the knowledge gained in lessons and expansion of my skills.

    Miroslav Franc
