pondělí 22. února 2010

Hot Potatoes Basics

Hot Potatoes are perhaps the oldest living and upgraded, free authoring software for making interactive exercises. It offers five types of tasks: multiple choice, gapfill, matching, crossword and jumbled letters/words/sentences.

When working with HP, you enter information into a “T’s Book” – a file with the extension .j** (.jcl. jmt…)
After finishing the exercise, you EXPORT it into html (“S’s book”). The names of the files should be identical, apart from the extension.

Which of the five above mentioned types is the most simple for students? Why?

Choose a target age group and a topic for your own HotPot project – a vocabulary field, which is taught at basic schools. Write your choice the comment to this blog – each student must have an unique topic.
List ten vocabulary items belonging to the chosen field – these you will present and practice in your HotPot exercises.

Start working on a matching exercise, presenting the meaning of the ten words you have chosen. You can use translation, synonyms, antonyms, explanation or pictures (20K max size, approx. 150*150 pixels, all the same format!)

pondělí 15. února 2010

Baking Potatoes

The oldest system for creating interactive PC-based exercises is called Hot Potatoes.
Find the home page of this project, and find out what HPs offer!


This will be our communication space for the subject dealing with the use of computers and internet in teaching English.

Your first credit project seems to be very easy - but it requires some long-term effort, too.
You will start a blog - anywhere, in Czech or in English - and will keep it alive for one semester. Five entries are required, spread within at least two months.
Do not try to write long texts into your blogs! A short, interesting, well-expressed entry is more valuable.
As soon as you create your new blog, copy the URL into the comment to this entry.

You can find lots of examples of good blogs online.
This one is my favourite - even if it is not actually called a blog :)

Read the blogs of your classmates. Encourage them with your feedback! :)

... And do not forget about the graphics - you can also add photos and illustrations to your blog.