úterý 21. února 2023

4062+7033 Credit Requirements

  • active participation, working on weekly tasks
  • 80% attendance
  • Projects as defined below: (finalised before April 26, 2023, to be presented in May)


1.    In pairs: Study material in Active Inspire

Product: supplementary material for one lesson at any chosen level of proficiency

Content: based on a specific textbook, all activities practicing the same topic/vocabulary


  • T's information = target group (age, proficiency), objectives;
  • topic presentation and explanation (e.g. the vocabulary set)
  • various tasks for practice including the feedback
  • a listening task including the audio
  • a task focused on a video (link to youtube)
  • illustrations – visual support
  • active links (e.g. references)
  • links among slides (e.g. to the T’s book and back)

2.      In groups of 4: Audio project.

Product: high quality audiorecording 5-10'.

Content: audio dramatisation of a literary scene according to your own choice; may include special sound effects.


  • to practise pronunciation, including peer correction; 
  • to revise British and American literature and support learning for lit. exams; 
  • to master basic sound editing skills in Audacity; 
  • to design a system for recording within online communication; 
  • to develop cooperation and organisation skills;
  • to have fun 


Please register the topics in the google chart - one topic can have only one coverage.  

Link to register the projects


Task 1 - 15'

In groups of 4 discuss the perspectives of PC technology and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies).  Add your ideas to the comment to this blog entry.



Jasper (just watch the demo, to avoid any possibility of forced payment features!)

Task 2 - 20'

Watch the video  from time 1:03:00. (in the lesson, to be watched together.)    

  • How is the future of ICT connected with the future of neurosurgery?
  • Can you see any similarities betwen the pc and the human brain?
Task 3 - Homework 
Organise the pairs and groups, choose your topics and register.

Who wrote the following text - a scholar or AI? Why?

Neuroscience and School Teaching of English as a foreign language

One of the most common languages in the world is English. In fact, over 400 million people speak English as their primary language. However, many international conferences take place in English-speaking countries only. English is also the language of science, technology, and education. Therefore, it is important for English teachers to be able to effectively teach it to their students.

Since it is one of the most commonly spoken languages on the planet, schools worldwide teach English as a foreign language to non-English speaking students. However, this teaching method has undergone drastic changes in recent years due to advancements in neuroscience and bilingual education. Teaching EFL involves understanding how the brain processes information and learning strategies for each stage of development. As a result of these changes, the way we teach English as a foreign language is constantly changing to ensure effective communication for all students.

The teaching methods currently being used by schools involve making use of advanced technology such as artificial neural networks (ANN). ANNs model human thought processes and behavior by connecting neurons via pathways. This mimics how the human brain works and can help students understand and learn new concepts and skills. Other modern teaching methods involve using virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to immerse students in foreign countries and cultures. This allows teachers to effectively teach English through immersive experiences that focus on communication and cultural awareness.

Understanding how the human brain functions is an integral part of neuroscience. One school of thought - called behaviorism - believes that humans are incapable of independent thought or behavior. However, neuroscientists study the human brain using advanced technology such as positron emission scan (PET scan) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Through these technologies, scientists have proven that humans are capable of independent thought and behavior with varying degrees of intensity. In addition, fMRI scans have shown that humans are capable of maintaining attention while processing different types of information. Essentially, schoolteachers need to be mindful when instructing their students in English language learning that they are addressing current cognitive development capabilities.

When teaching English language courses, schoolteachers need to keep their students' current mental capabilities in mind. Some believe that humans are not capable of independent thought; thus, many youths are impulsive when learning a new language. This makes them prone to making errors when speaking or writing in English. In order to address this issue, schoolteachers need to build sufficient time into their coursework so that their students have adequate practice time for every lesson. They should also provide student leaders with sufficient opportunities to practice with teachers throughout the school year so that they can improve their English speaking abilities.

As humanity communicates globally, understanding how the human brain processes information is vital for effective communication and education. Advanced technologies have made it easier for us as a species to connect with people around the world- but those connections only happen if everyone understands what each other is saying and hearing. Ultimately, neuroscience proves that humans are capable of independent thought; thus, schoolteachers should be mindful when instructing their students in English language learning that they are addressing current cognitive development capabilities.