středa 13. dubna 2022

Final check


Take a piece of paper. Write down (anonymously) one information or finding gained in this subject you want to remember and use. Fold the paper and put it on the pile.

středa 6. dubna 2022

Interactive Board Advanced

Focus on Feedback - again! The CALL (computer assisted language learning) is all about preparing adequate feedback. 

A good feedback should:
  • be positive, not overcritical nor overpraising
  • be informative
  • bring appropriate language input
  • motivate
  • prompt
  • be true
 In IWB, we can use the layers and various tricks to hide the feedback.



Hidden content
How it works: if you click on object1, object2 (dis)appears
Go to Actions - find command Hidden/Skryté
Identify the target
Save the changes

Detailed instructions here:

1. Text to be moved:
Identification: Name = Panda
Contain: Return if not contained = True

2. Image or a space where to put the text/answer:
Can Contain = Specific object
Contain Object = (Select Object) Panda
Contain Rule = Completely contained

Česká verze:
1. Text (objekt), s nímž se bude pohybovat:
Identifikace: Název = Panda
Kontejner: Vrátit, pokud není obsaženo = Pravda

2. Objekt (obrázek), kam se text/odpověď přesouvá:
Může obsahovat = Konkrétní objekt
Obsažený objekt = (Vybrat objekt) Panda
Pravidlo pro obsah = Úplně obsaženo

Hiding objects in SMART: online help

To animate object in SMART:
  • Select the object.
  • If the Properties tab isn’t visible, press Properties .
  • Press Object Animation.
  • Select options in the Type, Direction, Speed, Occurs and Repeats drop-down lists.

Hiding objects using magic ink in Activ: youtube tutorial

Magic revealer window (Activ)

1.    Insert two images
2.    Put one of them to the Top layer
3.    Create a rectangle. Settings:
           a.    Margin (ohraničení) – cca 20
           b.    Výplň – Nic
4.    Activate the magic ink. Fill in the rectangle.
5.    Set the order of the resulting two objects (rectangle will be above the magic ink to make the margins smooth)
6.    Group them together.
7. Check the order of the layers: Object (the rectangle),  Pen (the magic ink) nad the upper image are in the upper layer in the mentioned order, the remaining image is in the middle layer.

Examples of inacceptable feedback:

Sorry, try again
Are you serios?
you should have studied mnore
No way.
You should think before you click.
This is not the right answer.